Feel afresh with 5 natural ways for the tobacco free you

To millions of people around the world, keeping the New Year's resolution to quit smoking is as hard as keeping the promise to your neighbor to water their plants while they're away for summer holiday. Perhaps, this is why that each year millions have tried to stub out the 100th "last cigarette" once and for all, but millions have failed to quit permanently.

Are smokers damned to smoke for life?The answer would be no. There are conventional ways to stop smoking, for example chewing gum, nasal spray, inhaler, patches, lozenges, and marketed antidepressants like Zyban (which contains Bupropion) and Varenicline.

Back in 2007, the United States Food and Drug Agency received reports from Varenicline users that the drug caused serious symptoms such as erratic behavior, drowsiness, mood changes and suicidal tendency.In 1986, Bupropion was withdrawn from the market after causing frequent seizure incidents.

Natural therapies are safer and have a more sustained results, why is that you ask? Think it this way, though people are born equal, each one of us is unique. Our bodies are responding differently to different kinds of cure. Medicines made by laboratories are basically trying to control you and your disease (bad habit).

Naturopathic methods are a lot less patronizing than pills. Naturopathy believes that human body has a natural ability to heal itself, so Naturopathic treatments and medicines are customized for you, so you can take back the control of your health, feeling balanced and ready to start a healthier lifestyle.

Here are 5 naturopathic methods that will help you ease your tobacco cravings and help the ex smokers to stay on the good track:


Hypnosis helps you to relax your mind and body. Our subconscious is a naïve part of us, unlike the conscious mind, subconscious doesn't edit, grades, or judges thoughts and inputs.  Subconscious mind can't tell the difference between imagination and reality. Through hypnotherapy, your subconscious mind will be train to believe that you're a non smoker. Hypnotherapy subliminally reprogrammed your subconscious which, afterwards influence your actual (conscious) behavior.

Contrary to popular believes, hypnotism is not a result of shamanic trance or magical experience. Hypnosis helps you to experience one of a natural state of your brain, once a while we experience an autohypnosis without even realizing it. "Like how for example?" you might ask.

When we cook, clean or drive, we tend to slowdown our brainwaves and fall into our "alpha state"-a state of natural trance, at these times our subconscious is set to discover or rediscover some positive changes, including quitting smoking.

Canada, like the USA, starts to embrace hypnotic intervention with nicotine patch, the combo is believed to increase the effectiveness of smoking cessation therapy.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aims to drive out patient's tobacco cravings, anxiety, and other emotional issues that trigger cigarette addiction.

To many, cigarettes work as tranquilizer to uncomfortable feelings. EFT detects underlying emotions that cause people to smoke and neutralize them, making the patients feeling more secure about quitting cigarettes.

EFT is often called "the emotional acupuncture without needles", it works well together hypnotherapy and an effective method for ex-smokers to ease the temptations to reach out for a pack of cigarettes.


There's a substantial "new believers" of acupuncture nowadays. For its proven result to alleviate nicotine dependence and reduce anxiety, increase patient's focus and make patient feeling less jittery, the ancient Chinese technique is becoming a highly recommended treatment for matured smokers.

What Acupuncturist do basically is inserting some thin needles to the patient's body and ears; the treatment aims to calm patient's mind thus enabling the patient to control cravings.

Normally, acupuncturist combined regular treatments with prescribed herbal supplements.

There's hundreds of registered Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners in Canada, most of them are located in Ontario.


Natural remedies help patients to detoxify their body from dangerous substances (some are carcinogenic) found in cigarettes.

Most homeopathic medicines contain natural herbs like Arnica (belonging to sun flower family), Nux Vomica (Southeast Asian trees), and Avena Sativa (common oat).

Though herbal medicines are non evasive consult first to Naturopathic Doctors near you before; the NDs will determine which natural substance and therapy are the most efficient for you.

To ensure an excellent result, you can combine the natural treatment with a healthy diet. Always remember to keep some healthy foods that are rich in vitamins, enzyme, proteins and amino acids.


You may find it bizarre to find Yoga on this list. But please keep on reading.  Yoga helps people, ex-smokers and future ex-smokers, to develop a better breathing pattern. Besides helping people to be more aware of how their body feels, Yoga helps to make the body accustomed to a more nicotine free body, and help you to keep your mind of the negative impulse.

There are countless Yoga centers in metropolitan Canada that provide various types of Yoga to make optimize your quit smoking programs.