5 Steps Before You Try To Stop Smoking!

Hi guys,

Before you try to stop smoking:

1.  You first must understand all of the reasons that you want to stop.

Do you want to quit smoking because:

? You don't want to think of yourself as being less of a person than the non-smokers of this world;

? or worry about the money and yourhealth;

? or have to dread the thought of running out of fags, or misplacing your matches or lighter;

? or feel dirty or miserable;

? or worry about how you smell, especially when you kiss a non-smoker (Spouse or Others);

? or continue to feel guilty;

? But most of all, you no longer want to hate yourself because you are a smoker.

If you figure out which of the above apply to you that is a great start.

2.  A considerable number of smokers do not understand even the basics about stopping smoking. Oh sure, you've heard about substitutes - that they are the magic cure. Wrong. Substitutes do nothing for you other than extending your addiction. You do not need substitutes.

3.  Get it in head. You are a drug addict - plain and simple. You are addicted to nicotine.

4.  The preparation for stopping smoking must begin here!

5.  Before you begin - start with this saying and repeat it over and over.

--Whether I like it or not!

--I will soon be smoking my last fag (cigarette)!--

I suggest you continue saying this (not necessarily out loud) over about 7 or 8 days.

This begins the process for you to stop smoking easily. I think you know where to go from here.