The Electronic Cigarette-Will E-Cigs Replace Cigarettes or Always Just Be Used to Quit Smoking?

This is an informative article about the electronic cig.  Many smokers do not want to get cancer.  So they are turning in their conventional cigarettes for the new, electronic cigarette.  This battery operated device gives the sensation of smoking and delivers nicotine without any of the carcinogens, tar, or poisons that are in all cigarettes of today.  The solution that is vaporized is 99% water and 1% nicotine.

With no tobacco involved and no actual smoke.  Electronic cigarettes can be smoked in many places where traditional cigarettes are banned.  This vaporized smoke is not smoke at all, but is simply water vapor that has no harm to bi-standers.  The electronic cigarette, also known as an e-cig or electronic cig, even gives off the exact same appearance as a normal cigarette.  The e-cig has a light on the end of that lights up when you puff on it.

Doctor Richard Wender from Jefferson University Hospital, is a family doctor, and past president of the American Cancer Society and he says the electronic cigarette has promise.  He said, “Anything that can get you off of real cigarettes is a good thing.”  Smokers are always looking for new ways to quit smoking because it is so difficult.  The e-cig is the next idea and has the potential to become very popular with its health pros and the fact you can use it where regular cigarettes are not allowed.

I can’t say if the electronic cig will one day replace cigarettes, but I can say that this product is going to make some people a lot of money.  They are priced at around $100.  Although this sounds expensive it is actually fairly cheap if you compare this $100 price of an electronic cigarette to a person who smokes a pack a day.  If you just want to try an e-cig that is not a problem because you can find trial or starter kits for about $10 and then you can see for yourself it they are for you or not.