You Can Save Big Bucks Switching From Smoking Cigarettes To Using E Cigarettes, With Our Totally Wicked Coupon Now You Can Save Even More

When you initially look at prices to buy e-cigarette starter kits it can appear a costly proposition, and some suppliers to jack up their prices.  Choosing to buy a starter kit from a well-known supplier like Totally Wicked, and getting a popular, quality device that has thousands of satisfied users is a smart first step.  They deliver popular choices like the mini e-cigarette, the TITAN 510 line and now (my definite recommendation) the 510 compatible Totally Wicked TORNADO e-ni.  Using our Totally Wicked Coupon will save you a bundle on both your purchase of a starter kit and future purchases additional supplies - where you will see how the usage over time really starts to save money even if you still end up smoking the occasional tobacco cigarette.

Totally Wicked USA ships fast to the all states and will ship internationally as well, including to Canada.  They are based in Florida and have just moved to a larger facility to facilitate huge growth in demand for their products.  They do of course carry the best electronic cigarette models, but are renowned for what is considered by many to be the best e-juice in the world.  As you experiment with different flavours and strengths, use our totally wicked coupon every time to save a further 7 1/2 % off with e cir coupon code D29A5 on checkout.

Though this is a straightforward way to save, rather than have to write it down and search for the code each time you order, we decided to set up a Totally Wicked Coupon website to make it easier to enjoy the savings - simply bookmark the site on your browser and click the big red button to proceed with browsing and purchasing from Totally Wicked with the coupon and discount already applied to your order.

The site is there to provide one simple function, an easy way to save on Totally Wicked USA's large variety of top notch electronic smoking goods, including their premium quality e-juice (nicotine liquid mixes for use in the electronic cigarettes).

The introduction of a new product, 'The Patriot Range' line of e-liquid, is one of the latest great things to come from the rapid growth and popularity of Totally Wicked USA (which was first a UK based company and still sells there as well).  Often with e-liquid for vaporizing you are left hoping and guessing that what your ordered is what you get (if there even is an ingredient list).

Use our totally wicked coupon to save when you buy electronic cigarettes and e liquid with the huge range of flavours and nicotine strengths available with the Patriot Range eliquids, which uses only certified USP nicotine, with natural flavourings and is made in the USA.  It also delivers when it comes to sheer experience, it is probably the most satisfying e-liquid you can get anywhere.