Most Smokers Want To Stop Killing Themselves Slowly, The New Super Cigarette Finally Offers A Way Out

Fortunately, there is a new way for smokers to enjoy smoking anytime and anywhere and that is with the extremely popular and satisfying super cigarette tobacco alternative.

The Super Electronic Cigarette is the best option as a model to use for first time users of electronic cigarettes. With its stylish design and simple functioning, it is the ideal replacement for a smoker looking to transition into the modern world of electronic cigarettes.

The Super Cigarette, more popularly known as the smokeless cigarette or electronic cigarette, is a small device, which imitates the look of an actual cigarette. It does not require a lighter to start smoking; it only needs the included rechargeable battery to power up the micro technology process that makes it function - reducing any risk of fire hazard.

A New Way To "Smoke" - Without The Smoke!

Through this new process, the liquid nicotine, also known as e-liquid and e-juice, produces a heated vapor which is inhaled solely by the e-cigarette smoker, leaving other people around free from secondhand smoke.

One of the best things about the Super Electronic Cigarette is that its cartridges deliver great value. On most super minis the cartridge size is so small you are lucky to get 4-5 cigarettes worth of smoking from them; however, with the Super Mini, you can smoke the equivalent of 10 cigarettes without having to replace the cartridge.

Enjoying a cigarette in the office, in restaurants or while traveling on a bus or on a plane is now possible. Save yourself from annoying people with that terrible smoke and odor now with the new super cigarette.

Therefore, for a great smoking experience, try out the Super Cigarette from Totally Wicked, among the most respected and trusted suppliers of genuine super cigarettes worlwide - You won't regret it.