Psychologists define addiction as something that refers to the state of being dependent on something. It could either be psychological or physical, but whatever it is, addiction insinuates a neurotic or persistent urge to repeat everything that caused the person's dependency on something.
Normally, the onset of addiction is triggered by the formation of cravings or desire. When these cravings are answered, another craving would rise with more intensity than the first one. This cycle will go on and on and, without knowing it, you are already an addict.
Smoking and addiction this is now the question of the decade: "Why do people get addicted to smoking?" How come experts now connect smoking and addiction?
A lot of people are also asking whether cigarette manufacturers include a certain amount of marijuana in them just to trigger an addiction in people, in the 1800's they put opium in the cigarettes so it's not as far out as it sounds. Of course they don't have to they have something much better it's called nicotine, nicotine has a deadly addictive power it is more addictive than heroine, the cigarette manufacturers know this and have been increasing the levels of nicotine since 1998 up as much as 20%.
How does smoking and additions work? Basically, when a person smokes, the nicotine level is directly infused into the brain. This will, in turn, have more of a direct effects as compared to "intravenous injections." That's why people who smoke contend that they just want to release some tension.
The problem is they don't know that after several tension-free minutes, the anxiety sets back in with greater intensity and demands for more doses of stress-relievers. This is where addiction starts. People who use smoking as an outlet of their anxiety or as a way to release tension are already addicted to it. Little by little, they will continue to use 5 cigarettes a day, then 10 , and increases to a packs each day or more. This manifests the person's dependency on cigarettes. This can be traced to where the addiction starts.
On average, people these days are stressed out. This could be a result of numerous problems that are being encountered in society today. And so, people will usually find an outlet where they can release their tension and start to depend on it.
A person gets dependent on something whenever that something normalizes all the nerves in his or her body and brings about instant relief.
This is where the brain chemicals are directly affected by the elements in smoking. Once smoking provides a "calming effect" upon a person, it will give them more reason to repeat the process. In the long run, the process becomes a habit, and the habit leads to addiction.
Moreover, some experts contend that a person who lights up a cigarette from the end of his or her previous one is already an addict. This is because they cannot compel themselves to stop smoking. They have this intense feeling to continue lighting one cigarette after another.
What's even more alarming with the situation is that there had been some reports that experts insist that nicotine, along side with marijuana, are the hardest type of drugs to treat and eliminate out of our system.
Health experts say that nicotine is the hardest chemical to beat. The satisfaction a person gets whenever they inhale nicotine is totally rewarding for them. This is because the discharge of the "pleasure hormone" known as dopamine is very brusque and immediate. That's why people who are tensed get immediate relief whenever they smoke.
Studies even revealed how nicotine is even more powerful than the other drugs. They said that when a person injects heroin into his or her body, they may only burst up four times a day and may experience unstable conditions. On the other hand, when a person smokes at least one pack a day, that's about 200 doses of nicotine a day, meaning the effect is even more intense when smoking.
So, the bottom line here is that smoking from the very beginning should be stopped. People should be aware that once they get hooked up with smoking, chances are it would be very hard for them to stop.
And so, what does Smoking and addiction mean for us? Smoking is, indeed, a faster way to kill yourself. Nicotine in tobacco is a highly addictive drug that affects nearly every organ in our body with the increased levels of nicotine in cigarettes it makes it more difficult to quit smoking. Smoking is a very powerful addiction, and it can take multiple attempts to quit smoking but you must keep trying, you can successfully quit smoking.