Smoking has an addictive effect, due to its high nicotine content, and has become a hard habit to break for most people. One’s health, as well as those surrounding the smoker, is primarily at stake, and is the major cause of disorders such as lung cancer and heart attack.

To stop this from happening, manyquit smoking pillssuch as Zyban and Chantix was developed and already out in the market for the cessation of smoking, along with nicotine patches and gums.

These drugs works by targeting and relieving the same receptors in the part of the brain that demands for nicotine. Gradual stop from smoking in the traditional way of limiting consumption per day would naturally cause withdrawal symptoms that usually last for several weeks.

However, manufacturers say that with the quit smoking pill, there will be no withdrawal effect since the pill would be recognized as substitute for nicotine by the brain. After a year of taking the pill, it yields thrice more effectiveness of a smoker quitting than other forms of treatment.

The craving for nicotine, of course, does not happen overnight. Although clinical results prove it to be significantly effective, a smoker must still have the will and determination to cease the habit and follow it through responsibly.

Experts may consider this as the magic bullet for smoking, but still place emphasis on the importance of the individual’s mentality. Aside from the health risks that come with smoking is the drain on the wallet. The quit smoking pill stands a good chance for an individual’s healthier future.

Herbal quit smoking aids have also become popular recently as they do not have side effects of stop smoking drugs. These new quit smoking supplements can help a smoker quit smoking as well as stop smoking drugs.