How to Get Rid of Smoker's Lungs and Stop that Cough

How to Eradicate Smoker's Lungs and End that Cough

If you still smoke and have a chronic cough, you probably have smoker's lungs. Although your best course of action is to quit smoking, there is an effective remedy to clear your lungs and get rid of this potentially serious condition.

What are smoker's lungs? The answer is really simple. If you smoke, you stuffyour lungs with tar, nicotine, and nasty chemicals with every puff you take. And unfortunately, up to 60 percent of those deadly chemicals stay in your lungs after you exhale. As time goes on, these nasty chemicals continually build up within your lungs.

In the beginning, before smoker's lungs starts to develop, your lungs can clear themselves naturally. Teenyhairs located in your lungs called cilia continually sweep the chemicals and poisons out of your lungs. If you continue to smoke, more and more chemical are pumped into your lungs. Over time, the cilia can areinjured and cannot completely clean your lungs.

Once a sufficiently large number of the cilia are damaged you can begin to notice early symptoms of smoker's lungs. A nasty dry cough, called a smoker's cough is one of the early symptoms. Another sign of smoker's lungs is shortness of breath. If you think you have this or other signs, you should see your doctor.

If you have been a smoker for a number of years, you need to be concerned with your lungs. This is especiallytrue if you have a smoker's cough. If you can quit smoking today, your lungs may be able to refurbish themselves in 15 or 20 years. But, if you've tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking, you should be aware that there is a simple, easy process you can use to get clear lungs much faster.

Mostpeople do not even know that this process is available. Employing this easy technique, you can get rid of smoker's lungs and get clean healthy lungs in a comparativelyshort period of time. In fact, this technique can clean your lungs fifteen or twenty times as fast as your system can do it on its own.

And the solution is incredibly easy. The process involves a little known combination of supplements and vitamins that clear the toxins out of your lungs and ejectthem out of your system. If you've been a smoker for a while, do something good for your health and get rid of those smoker's lungs. Get clear lungs Now!