The Human Brain, the Center of the Human Nervous System

The Human Brain The center of the human nervous system

The single most amazing part of a human being is of course our minds. The brain of a human being has the same structure as the brains of other mammals, but is over five times as large.

Despite this size advantage I can't help but ask myself am I qualified to write about "brains". Of course not! But it's the internet, so who's going to stop me?

Our brain controls our movements, thoughts, actions, behavior, heartbeat and well, everything.

Our brains are capable of Thrusting us to Heroic acts such as risking our own life to save a loved one or even to save a complete stranger.

Because of our brains were capable of undying love, dedication and devotion. All the great things you can think of are because of the human mind. The sky is the limit.

The other side of this equation? All of the evil, dishonest, and self destructive behavior we human beings are capable of originates in the human mind as well.

Unfortunatly Our brains have a way of encouraging us to do what is easiest or most satisfying in the short term, as apposed to what we know is best for us or what we feel is morally wright.

Some brains are remembered forever for their brilliance and impact on history like Benjamin Franklin, who invented electricity. This didn't happen over night How many of us could work on something day after day, year after year that most people would say is impossible to do? A rare brain indeed!

Another legendary brain was Known for formulating the theory of relativity.(I'm ashamed to admit that off the top of my head I don't recall what it even is, but I do remember that gentlemens name was Albert Einstein )(O.K. I just took the time to wikipedia the theory of relativity and now I really don't understand.) Ole Albert had some pretty cool quotes to!

Albert Einstein "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science.

"There are two ways to live your life - one is though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.

The brains of people like Einstein are rare for sure. We all can't be Einstein and most of us probably wouldn't want to anyway. BUT we can change our minds and our unwanted behavior. The human mind is open to positive suggestions.

We all know that overeating and smoking are haszerdous to our health, so why is it we succumb to these temptations until they are full blown addictions?

Despite all the techniclogical advances in modern medicine, the smartest minds in the world don't have the answers to the merriot of questions. The human mind is the least understood organ we have.

One thing that we've known for years is We can change our bad habits and even the way our subconious mind thinks and responds to different stimuli. We can use our minds to strengthen our minds. Most people truly feel happier when they give their brains plenty of excercise.

,p> There is a technique that has been successfully used to treat addictions, fears, stress, and all sorts of other conditions for thousands of years.


It has no side effects And there isn't a one of us who hasn't heard about it. Hypnosis, yes Hypnosis, Something as simple as positive suggestions to the human mind is proving successful for pain relief, weight loss, smoking sesation and many other conditions. And it's much safer then popping pills.

Studies at Johns Hopkins and other institions of higher learning show a reduction in fear and anxieiety and even pain relief in patients that underwent hypnosis treatments prior to surgery.

If you watch TV or read magazine articles you probably have seen something recently about Hypnosis. Its use is at an all time high. More people then ever before are turning to hypnosis with great success.

Actor Matt Damon quit smoking with the help of a Hypnotist. See his utube Tonight show with Jay Leno appearance on my website and hear for yourself. To learn more about hypnosis visit me at ./"