Is There A Real Cure For Nicotine Addiction?

There are two parts of the addiction to cigarettes.

  • Physical addiction to nicotine
  • Behavior addiction of handling and lighting cigarettes.

There is absolutely no disagreement that nicotine is addictive.

The Physical Nicotine Addiction

Everybody agrees that it is, in fact, an addictive substance...and it is poison, too. Nicotine is the tobacco plant's natural protection against insects. In the same volume, nicotine is a poison that is more deadly than strychnine and rattlesnake venom.

Nicotine is three times more lethal than arsenic.

Within eight seconds of inhaling cigarette smoke, dopamine is released into the blood stream.

Dopamine is a kind of chemical messenger that is similar to adrenaline. Dopamine affects the way that the brain processes emotional responses, pain and pleasure. Nicotine, therefore, affects the mood of the person who is inhaling the tobacco smoke.

Nicotine in cigarette smoke actually alters transmitters and receptors in the brain. This alteration causes addiction.

When any attempt is made to stop supplying nicotine to the body is made there will be extreme anxiety and strong mood swings.

The Behavioral Addiction of Nicotine

Consider this: Smoking is a whole body habit. The removing a cigarette from a package; the handling of a cigarette; the lighting of a cigarette; inhaling smoke; exhaling smoke; tapping ashes off the cigarette as it burns; even extinguishing the cigarette after it has been smoked are all part of the total smoking addiction.

So what's the answer?

For a person to successfully stop smoking, the entire habit must be addressed. Just withholding nicotine for a period of time long enough to undo the physical changes made to the brain is not sufficient.

Often one habit is replaced by another habit…and sometimes the replacement is as deadly as or even more deadly than the first habit.

Using a program that addresses nicotine and smoking addictions simultaneously is the only way to successfully break them.