There are many aids available to help people stop smoking: nicotine patches, gum, even hypnosis tapes. But the problem with these methods is that none of them help you to stop smoking for life. Many people who use these methods may be smoke-free for a time, but many of them also find themselves craving a cigarette during a stressful situation or perhaps in a place where other people are lighting up around them. Mark Twain once said, "It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times." This no longer needs to be the case. There is now a simple and effective solution that will not only help you to quit in fourteen days, but to stay away from cigarettes for the rest of your life.

Many people who enjoy a momentary success in their fight to quit smoking feel elated at this initial success. But when they lapse and find themselves addicted to nicotine again, they're often shocked to find that they've lapsed when they thought they were cured. They also find that they're discouraged. If they kicked the habit once and gone back to it, then there's no guarantee that the next time they quit will be the last time they quit. Thus, every time they try to quit, they despair a little more that they may never be able to stop smoking for life.

That is what makes the Stop Smoking Formula different. Instead of focusing on the body's addiction to nicotine, it focuses on the mind's ability to control the body. It takes into account the possibility that a lifelong smoker may lapse from time to time. But the focus is not to keep the person from lapsing. Instead, it's on reminding the person that a lapse doesn't need to become a habit again. This strengthens the former smoker to believe that one cigarette isn't a failure in their effort to stop smoking for life, which then strengthens them to keep living a smoke-free lifestyle.

This method works because it takes into account the fact that nobody's perfect. So it doesn't make the goal perfection. It recognizes the fact that a former smoker may not be impervious to temptation. But because the goal is to avoid making smoking a habit again, one moment of weakness doesn't invalidate the months or even years of smoke-free living that preceded it. And because the former smoker is encouraged to keep going, this is far more likely to ensure that he or she will stop smoking for life.