Sleeping Disorders - Sleeping Problems Brought About by Quitting Smoking

Sleeping disorders are considered manifestations of withdrawal symptoms or side effects of quitting smoking. After a day or two of not being able to smoke, your sleeping pattern can be disrupted and you'll either be sleeping for too long or too short at a time. It is usually a different case from person to person when it comes to sleeping habits after quitting. There will be people who can sleep for longer hours after they quit or the other way instead.

By smoking, you are able to infuse nicotine in your body. It is a stimulant drug and so when it wears off in the body, you will feel tired and even depressed. To become active again, you take cigarettes to have fresh supply of nicotine running through your bloodstream and everything becomes "normal' again. This habit becomes an endless cycle and this is why smokers get hooked to the habit of smoking. At the end of the day, a smoker still needs to sleep as he gets tired due to the fluctuations of the amount of nicotine in his system.

When you decide to drop this bad habit, it can affect your sleeping habits too. You may find that you can go by with less or more sleeping hours. You can have more sleep since you don't have nicotine anymore which deprives you before of sleeping hours as the substance keeps you awake even if you badly need to sleep. You might also experience shorter hours of sleep as you discover that you can get by with just a few hours sleep. Unlike the times when you were still smoking, you needed more hours of sleep as you got exhausted with the shifts of stimulant in your body. It was exhausting for your body to take the fluctuations of nicotine while you were smoking.

If you experience a change in your sleeping disorders, don't panic! This is quite normal since you are still under the withdrawal symptoms as a result of quitting smoking. This abnormality can last for a few weeks or even up to a month. Your body is just adjusting to the absence of nicotine and the loss the said substance in your system. If this problem persists for more than a month, then this is the time you have to get help. While it is normal to blame withdrawal symptoms for your sleep changes in a few weeks, it is not an acceptable reason if your problem goes on especially for much longer periods of time! This may indicate some other health problem that is beyond the effects of quitting and you may need immediate medical attention.

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