Smoking is harmful to your health, makes your clothes stink, and is becoming more and more socially unacceptable. So why do you continue to smoke? One word: addiction. Smoking is addictive. But you can beat your smoking habit if you follow this quick guide.
Certain things need to be done in a certain order. Becoming a nonsmoker is one of those things.
Following these ABC directions will help you become a nonsmoker.
A. Absolutely know why you smoke and what triggers your need to smoke. What you know about yourself, you can change. What are your habits? Know what you are going to do differently than reaching for your first cigarette of the day. Think about the emotional triggers and use stress-releasing exercises that can be done unobtrusively.
B. Be aware of what you need to do get the job done. Avoid situations where you want to smoke. Get rid of all cigarettes and ashtrays. Know what your triggers are and what you are going to do about them. Be an active participant in your plan to be a nonsmoker. Do not pick another bad habit to get over the first, like overeating. Get moving, get active, and participate in your own recovery.
C. Cold turkey rarely works. 95% of people who try to quit smoking cold turkey start smoking again. There are other ways to go about it that have a higher proven rate of success. There are nicotine patches, prescription pills and support groups.
You can get to where you want to go if you follow the directions to get there.