In How Many Ways Can You Stop Smoking?

Smoking is an addiction that is not easy to give up due to such a high dependency on the nicotine, with many correlations to nicotine being as bad or as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Will and determination, support and guidance, plus knowledge about the different stop smoking aids to stop smoking is what will make it successful.

Many smokers consider the most effective "painless" ways to quit is through nicotine replacement therapy, also known as NRT. This therapy provides low amounts of nicotine to the person through gums, inhalers, or patches. Whenever a person feels like having a cigarette or some form of nicotine, they will bite or chew the nicotine gum.

This releases a predetermined amount of nicotine into the body, producing an effect similar to a cigarette. The withdrawal symptoms gradually cease over the course of therapy. This therapy is highly recommended because there are very few side effects associated with it.

Zyban is another way to stop smoking. The smoker can use a pill like Zyban to stop smoking that prods the pituitary gland to release endorphins in the bloodstream, which, in turn, cause a positive upswing in the smoker's mood. The drug acts by releasing endorphins in the body and inducing a feeling of pleasure, similar to the smoking pleasure.

Generally, a Zyban course lasts 8 to 12 weeks and should be taken under medical supervision. However, the drug should only be taken under medical supervision and should be avoided by people who are suffering from cardiac disorders or those who are suffering from diabetes, anorexia, or liver disorders. Epileptics and pregnant women too should stay away from the drug. The success rate of using this, as a therapeutic aid is very high and the percentage of relapse is low.

An alternative method is the combination therapy. This therapy makes use of both NRT and Zyban as a means to help quit smoking. The patient can use NRT for the first few months and then switch to Zyban for the rest of the course. The dose varies for each individual; with a lot dependent on the type of addiction and how strong it is for each individual.

A success rate of 50% is commonly achieved by using the combination therapy. Counseling sessions are held regularly with the smokers who are trying to quit, and form an important component of the therapy. Many believe that emotional counseling is the most important way that can help an individual stay off cigarettes permanently.

The international Smokers group carries out seven sessions to help a person grow emotionally stronger, advising that when a person feels the need to smoke he must consult a counselor immediately. A person can also stop smoking all by himself although this is the toughest way and requires a lot of self discipline.