Save the e cigarette!

News across America has confirmed that the Food and Drug Administration (or FDA) has been trying their hardest to put a ban on the ever popular electronic cigarette .

The e cigarette is a healthier smoking alternative which has helped many people to cut down their addictive smoking habits and some have even found it useful when trying to quit smoking altogether.

When the e cigarette came along, smokers loved the inhaler, which did not contain the tar and carbon monoxide that normal cigarettes contain. It looks like a normal cigarette as well, so the physical habit of having something to hold was also addressed. At last, they could also use the inhaler in public because the vapour it gave off was odourless and harmless, meaning that non-smokers found it a more attractive product to be aount, too.

So maybe the Food and Drug Administration thinks it is missing out on the popularity on this product, particularly financially.

Currently, the Food and Drug Administration gets taxation money from tobacco and cigarettes, so if electronic cigarettes become even more popular, the Food and Drug Administration might just be worried that regular cigarettes and tobacco sales will decline.

Some people have discovered e cigarettes to be so beneficial that they are already stocking up on refills before any ban could be enforced, which to be honest seems unlikely.

Petitions are circulating various internet sites and social networking sites to save the electronic cigarette which some claim to be the most effective quit smoking solution currently out on the market.