Wonderful Medicinal Properties of Honey

Honey is a wonderful compound, coming with all the essential nutrients in easily digestible form. Honey is also an energizer, helping workers and athletes overcome fatigue and regain energy. Children, young and old can alike take honey, without worrying any side effects.

Honey is a multivitamin tonic, has antibacterial properties and has antioxidants. Taking honey regularly can improve physical strength, enhance immune system, improve fertility and reduce mental stress.

Ayurveda acharyas have identified the unique medicinal properties of honey several centuries ago. Ancient Ayurveda texts like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya, etc tell you about the medicinal qualities of honey.

Consuming honey can increase haemoglobin levels in blood and is efficient in purifying blood. It also provides energy to heart, bettering blood circulation. Taking two teaspoon honey in water ensures sound sleep. It can also prevent bed-wetting of children.

Nausea, cough, cold etc can be treated by taking honey with a tsp of tulsi (basil) leaf juice. Asthmatic persons can also benefit from taking honey everyday. Ayurveda acknowledges honey as a wonder medicine capable of providing longevity. Osteoporosis is another condition, which can be prevented by taking honey regularly.

<h2>Wound Healing Properties of Honey</h2>

Modern medicine has acknowledged the healing properties of honey. Honey is effective in treating wounds and skin infections. The most effective type of honey is not found in Indian forests, but from New Zealand. Manuka honey gathered from manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium) has high levels of antibacterial properties and is the most effective against wounds. However, most types of honey gathered from natural surroundings have the healing properties.

<h2>Honey for Arthritis Treatment</h2>

Studies conducted at some western universities have reinforced the centuries old knowledge that honey is effective against arthritis pain. Taking a tablespoon honey and half teaspoon cinnamon powder has helped arthritic patients walk without pain. Honey with lukewarm water and a dash of cinnamon powder made into a paste and applied to the joints also helped in quick recovery (within minutes) from pain.

<h2>Infertility Treatment with Honey</h2>

Ayurveda has long identified honey as a fertility medicine for both men and women. Honey improves the quality of semen. Honey strengthens ovaries and uterus. Men can take two tablespoon of honey every night. Women can take half a tsp honey with a pinch of cinnamon powder.

<h2>Honey in Cancer Treatment</h2>

Modern researches have underpinned the wonderful effects of honey, proving honey to be effective against advanced cases of stomach and bone cancer. Taking one tablespoon honey with one tsp cinnamon powder three times a day and cancer symptoms receded in one month. Honey has several antioxidants, effective against cancer growth.

You can take honey alone or with milk or water, with or without a pinch of cinnamon powder. Make honey a habit; it will keep you healthy, strong and fruitful.