Nicotine Rehab - Fast And Painless Methods For Kicking A Smoking Habit

Nicotine Rehab (quitting the habit of smoking) is a widely sought after goal each year; particularly after the holidays when people set their annual goals. Would be quitters claim they hope to accomplish this goal as quickly and painlessly as possible as they believe this likely ensure their success in quitting. I feel that this aspect of quitting is paramount to anyone's success in quitting.

While there are many methods that can help a smoker stop smoking; most people dread the sense of loss and any associated withdrawal symptoms. No body likes the thought of living through cold turkey any longer than necessary. The process itself is quite daunting enough.

Some of the most successful methods you should consider are the following:

1) Nicotine patches and chewing gum. These methods are passive quitting methods. They give a person the secret boost they need to stick to any goal of quitting. The reviews that have come back on patches versus gum, state that both methods are considered equally effective. So, you have two viable choices to help you quit.

2) Acupuncture and Hypnotherapy. These methods are a holistic approach to stopping a smoking habit. They are considered quite safe and permanent. They are also passive methods of quitting your smoking habit.

3) Sign up for and begin participating in exercise classes. Increasing your activities will keep your mind off of smoking. And, a funny thing happens when you include exercise into your daily regimen; you actually start doing everything in your life in a more health conscious way.