Fancy Herbal Grinders On The Rise Among Marijuana Users

A marijuana grinder is a hand-held mechanical device used to ... you guessed it, grind up weed. Because you shouldn't smoke cannabis in nugs, the way it comes from the sellers, it needs to be broken up. Ground-up bud is easy to roll, maximizes the visible volume of the amount of pot that you have, and it's just a pleasure to smoke. Weed grinders come in all sorts of designs, so if you stumble upon a head shop that sells a variety, you have many choices to pick from. ?ie=UTF8&tag=sonicunlea-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B000Y1ZTCE"

There are two halves to a grinder, and they're nearly identical. It has a compartment to put weed nugs in, and sharp points that grind it up. Just fit your plant inside the grinder, put the other half on the first part of the device, and rotate the halves. You can either go back and forth in turning one half of the grinder, or do it in a continuous rotation, clockwise or counterclockwise. It makes no difference, because the result is the same - you have finely ground up bud.

Some advanced grinders have three parts to them instead of two: the two halves, and a third compartment that's separated from the weed chamber by a screen. The point of the screen is to filter out the smallest particles of weed that you can get. Those tend to be the THC crystals. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the active ingredient in mary jane. It's in the form of crystals at room temperature. Those fall off as you grind up weed. The screen sorts it out into the third compartment, so over time, after grinding up a lot of weed, you should have a small pile of just pure THC. What you do with it is your choice, but the majority of smokers agree on one thing: it gets you SUPER high if you sprinkle that stuff on a joint before you roll it.

Don't forget, not all grinders come with this compartment, so if yours doesn't, it's okay. That just means that every time you grind up marijuana, all of it will be in the same chamber. The hardest part about maintenance of a marijuana grinder isn't anything specific; not losing it while you're high is the real challenge! This is both a pro and a con; it's portable enough to fit in a pocket, and you can hide it anywhere, but conversely, it's easy to lose it. Other than that, a marijuana grinder is fun to use, and it's one of those smoker accessories that you should have around just for kicks. After all, it gets the job done better than breaking up weed by hand. Plus, it's fun!