Quit Smoking and Save Money today!

Health cost

The single greatest cause of preventable illnesses and early death is caused by tobacco consumption or better known as smoking. Cancer Research UK estimates that 114,000 people die each year from smoking related diseases including cancer. Smokers find it extremely difficult to give up smoking due to the highly addictive nature of nicotine in cigarettes.

What a waste of money

The cost of a single person smoking twenty cigarettes a day is £2,135 per year and this takes no account of the income tax and the national insurance you paid the government from your wages. If these taxes were included then a twenty a day single persons smoking habit would cost you £2,669 per year. That’s the cost of a family holiday abroad including spending money. A couple who some twenty cigarettes a day would spend £5,338 per year including tax deductions from their wages. That’s £102.66 per week for a couple and £51.33 for a single smoker. What a waste of money!

What are the benefits of not smoking?

  1. You would save money on average £2,135 per year and even more if your partner smokes as well.
  2. Your clothes and your home would smell fresher
  3. You will reduce the risk of developing illness, disability or death caused through cancer, heart or lung disease.
  4. You family would not be exposed to your second-hand smoke
  5. Your general fitness would improve and you’re breathing.
  6. You would reduce the chances of you or your children suffering from Asthma
  7. Your food would taste better
  8. You would no longer smell like an old ashtray
  9. Your general appearance would improve almost immediately

If you want to stop smoking to day then call NHS FREE SMOKING HELPLINE  0800 022 4332 today or go to their website at /  and you can chat to an adviser online.

The local NHS stop smoking services offer you

  • Free support on line with a SMOKEFREE adviser
  • Free support packs, leaflets and a DVD
  • Free downloaded inspirational videos and stop smoking guides
  • Free meetings for individuals or groups sessions to get face-to-face support and advice from a trained NHS adviser
  • Free support at home
  • Stop smoking products provided by the NHS for the cost of a weekly prescription charge


I stopped back over eighteen months ago when my wife and I decided that thirty years was long enough and we decided to stop smoking together. We have provided each other with support and encouragement. Before this momentous decision we had tried and failed but this time it was different we wanted to give up for health and financial reasons. We wanted to save money and hopefully live longer and healthier lives. Our three children wanted us to stop as well because they smelt of our smoke.

We went to a Tesco Pharmacy store and asked to see their NHS smokefree representative. The first thing they did was ask us some health questions then they asked us to blow into a machine that recorded the carbon dioxide in our lungs. We were given a week’s course of Nicotine replacement patches to help us resist smoking. It was hard to pack in but we preserved and after six weeks we had stopped.

Eighteen months later neither of us has smoked a single cigarette and yes I could smoke a cigarette everyday but I know how hard it was and the willpower it took to give them up.

The best part of giving up smoking was the money we were saving although I have to say I have never seen the money we are saving. We both feel healthier and our children don’t smell like an old ashtray. If I can give it up then anyone can.