Cautionary Measures to be Adopted During Pregnancy - Quit Smoking is the First Necessity

All the women who are rearing foetuses in their womb please take note of the fact that your daily intake of cigarettes is not only going to harm your own health but is also capable of unleashing disaster to your newborn!
Without spending a bit of time pondering over this presentation and deriving your own conclusions out of it, don’t just shrug off this statement. And you ladies, who are highly desirous of losing weight through smoking, just have a look at the disastrous circumstances that cigarette smoking and other tobacco containing substances can unleash in the life of an individual: impotency, cancer of the mouth, throat, lungs, kidneys, insomnia and a variety of other disorders. All these ailments are bound to trouble you immensely, moreover, if you refuse to curb on your smoking addiction and continue to smoke during pregnancy then early miscarriage is a possibility. If you somehow save that there are chances that your child may have an underdeveloped immune system or poor lung function. Seems untrue! But a baby inside a woman’s womb extracts the nutrients essential for its survival as well as oxygen from the mother via the umbilical cord and placenta and then when the mother smokes, the baby becomes vulnerable to the toxic material present in the mothers blood. And due to this reason, in some cases the infant in the womb is deprived of oxygen and it leads to disastrous heart rate increase in the baby. And the final consequence! Well, you can possible visualize the end result.
Gals! Even the minor health hazards induced by cigarette smoking such as wrinkles on the face are capable of disrupting your daily activities, have you thought what would happen if you fall in the grip of the serious smoking induced ailments such as cancer or heart problems? Besides, your child is important for you, isn’t it? So, quit smoking if you are considerate about your health and your baby’s!