Some smokers want to quit, but dismiss quitting as too much of a hassle for not enough benefit to make it worth their while. They believe that the damage done to their bodies is irreparable, and it isn't worth the hassle of quitting to make some minor improvements to their health. The truth is that the benefits of quitting are vast and grow greater and greater from the time the smoker puts out that last cigarette until their risk of dying decreases to match the risk of dying for other people their age. This is particularly true of lungs after stop smoking.

Just three days after you put out your last cigarette, you will notice that it will be easier for you to breathe. This is because your lung capacity has been steadily improving over the last three days, and it will continue to do up to thirty percent over the next few months. Before nine months are up, the cilia in your lungs will regenerate, allowing your body to cleanse your lungs and fight off infection. By the time you reach the ten-year mark, your risk for lung cancer will have decreased by half. The lungs after stop smoking are able to regain most of their function.

But for those who want to see better and faster results, there are some steps to take to increase the function of lungs after stop smoking. The first step to take is exercise. As we've already mentioned, the lungs' capacity will already have increased by day three after quitting. At this point, it's possible to begin exercising and increasing your cardiovascular health. If you cough a lot at first, don't worry. This is just your body's way of cleansing itself from the last of the toxins and contaminated mucus in your lungs from back when you were a smoker. And, as you exercise, you will find that it's a great substitute for smoking. The endorphins released in your brain through exercise will make you feel better than cigarettes ever did.

The final way to increase the health of your lungs after stop smoking is to get enough vitamin A in your diet. Vitamin A has been proven to help increase the rate at which your lungs heal. And you don't even need to take supplements to get enough. A daily serving of carrots, mangoes, or sweet potatoes will give you more than enough of the daily recommended dosage. Follow these steps and your lungs will be functioning normally in no time.