Can Hypnosis Really Help My Fibromyalgia?

Hypnosis is emerging as a fibromyalgia (FM) treatment.Some FM sufferers use hypnosis to master their minds, and their debilitating chronic pain.  Hypnosis, according to research on hypnotherapy for FM, has been proven to be a successful new treatment for pain management. Measurable psychological and physiological changes can occur in hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a method by which any person may be guided into a state of receptiveness.It focuses on psychological and physical changes that are normally outside our conscious natural ability.In other words, hypnotic trance is basically a state of hyper-suggestibility.Anyone can be hypnotized, if you can relax and follow simple instructions you can enjoy hypnosis.  Hypnotherapy is basically any therapy done in conjunction with hypnosis. It is often classed as a form of complementary medicine (CAM).

The hypnosis results and experience is different for each individual, but it is typically associated with a pleasant state of deep inner calm and physical relaxation.Deep hypnotic relaxation is similar in some ways to yoga or meditation done by true experts.

There is speculation that the body's production ofstress hormonesmake fibromyalgia pain worse since cortisol (a stress hormone) can increase sensitivity to pain.The deep relaxation felt during hypnosis is said to help in decreasing your body's pain and raising overall levels of comfort in your body.

Since the 1850’s hypnosis has been used to generate anesthesia.It is said that the mind is capable of blocking pain sufficiently to allow complex surgical procedures.  It was once even used for amputations. This skill offers many opportunities to improve the control of many forms of pain.

The European Journal of Pain (July 2008 issue) details a study which involved hypnosis and pain management in fibromyalgia patients.Using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), the researchers compared two groups of FM sufferers.One group was hypnotized and the other was not.

Then researchers did brain scans on each group, and asked each group about their levels of pain. Both groups reported less pain after suggestion, but those who had been hypnotized reported more feelings of personal control of their pain.  They felt more empowered to manage their pain levels. The brain scans in the hypnotized group showed more activity compared to the non-hypnotized group.

Based on this, the researchers concluded that hypnosis intensifies the efficiency of fibromyalgia pain management.It is said that hypnosis can be an important element for people who are looking for alternative methods for managing FM pain.

The idea is that with hypnosis, chronic pain sufferers’ quality of life can be bettered.Irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia are two examples of common, chronic conditions that respond very well to hypnosis.

Many people, including me, have a pre-conceived notion about hypnosis and the idea of “letting someone into your head” can be a little scary.The fact is, no one is actually taking control of your conscious state, the therapist is actually empowering you to take control!If other methods of treatment have failed, one might consider this alternative therapy.  It can’t hurt and you may gain some freedom from your pain!   To me, that’s a plus!