Stop Smoking Tips For The Home Stretch

By now you are on the road to being smoke free.  You've either reduced or eliminated cigarettes from your life, but you still get the cravings and complete success is not yet guaranteed.  You must be extremely careful lest you relapse and throw away all the hard work you've done.  What you need now are a few more stop smoking tips to get you through the rough patches and ensure your continued success.  Here are five more stop smoking tips for the final stage.

Stop smoking tip 1:  As you go without cigarettes, you will inevitable find certain things that trigger your cravings for cigarettes.  As you encounter these things, make a list.  Being aware of such triggers is the best way to either avoid them or rise above them.  Soon your awareness will of such things will help you head off the craving before it grows too strong.

Stop smoking tip 2:  When developing your plan to stop smoking, include rewards as you reach milestones.  Take the considerable amount of money you are no longer spending on cigarettes and stash it away.  Use this money to fund rewards as you stay smoke free for certain periods of time.  Start small with a purchase at the one month mark and go big with a vacation at the one year mark.  If you smoke a cigarette, the clock resets and you must wait longer.

Stop smoking tip 3:  Once you've given up cigarettes for a while, go to the dentist and get your teeth cleaned and whitened.  One of smoking's many effects is stained teeth.  Start your new smoke-free life with brilliant white teeth and use this as a daily reminder that you never want to return to the stained teeth you had in the past.  Vanity can be a strong incentive.

Stop smoking tip 4:  Find someone to coach through their own stop smoking ordeal.  Use the knowledge and discipline you have gained to get someone else on the road to being smoke free.  This will give you a renewed sense of purpose and make your quitting seem even more worthwhile.

Stop smoking tip 5:  Write a story about your experience.  This will allow you to look back on your accomplishment and be reminded that as hard as something may seem, it can be done if you really want to do it.  Use this account to inspire you through the tough times and also to help others just getting started.

Hopefully these stop smoking tips have helped you plan, quit and never return to smoking.  Anyone who has ever quit smoking understands the challenge and respects the accomplishment.