Now Is The Time To Quit Smoking Nicotine

Over fifty years ago, the health industry finally decided that not only was smoking unhealthy, but it was downright deadly.  At that time, the government started putting notices on cigarette packages and started ad campaigns, telling everyone that they needed to quit smoking.  Unfortunately, cigarettes were inexpensive, they were socially acceptable, and quite frankly, they were enjoyable - so no one really thought about the time when they would have to quit smoking nicotine.

Now, things have changed.  Cigarettes are now no longer affordable.  If you smoke just one pack a day, you would save enough in just one year to go on a very nice vacation.  Cigarettes are no longer fashionable, either.  It is rare to see someone smoke in the movies or on television, because the media does not want to give us the impression that it is alright to smoke - it isn't!  But, if you want to quit smoking nicotine, you have an upward battle ahead of you.  Nicotine is a drug, like heroine or alcohol, and it is one of the most addictive drugs around.  People can become addicted to cigarettes after a few weeks or even days of smoking, and will be stuck smoking for the rest of their life.

So, if you want to quit smoking nicotine, you need to first suffer through the withdrawal of the drug.  Just like you would if you had to quit a serious alcohol or drug habit, you will have a few days that are completely miserable as your body essentially goes into a state of shock over the drug that it is not getting.

You then need to find a way to replace the psychological aspects of smoking that are often overlooked by many stop smoking programs.  You can quit smoking nicotine, but you will still miss the cigarettes themselves.  You will miss having one in your hand, between your fingers, in your mouth, and you will miss sucking on it, putting it out in an ashtray, and lighting it.

Finding a way to stop smoking forever can be difficult, but you now have many options.  You can utilize some of the nicotine replacement devices that are available such as the patch or nicotine gum, or you can try prescription medications.  Most people do not succeed on their first time, so don't be dismayed if you are back on the cigarettes.  Keep trying until you finally quit for good.