electronic cigarette smoking quit smoking on

For many smokers, quitting smoking is a very difficult task

Smoking is harmful to health, but for smokers, it really wants to quit smoking, but it is very difficult, and even some casual remark: you can not eat rice, Cox can not sleep, but not from time to smoke cigarettes.

Why are cigarettes so much magic with it? Really so difficult to quit smoking, stop smoking have a better way?

In fact, researchers around the world have been studies on tobacco and its hazards, and invented a lot of cigarette alternatives, like the smell of the mouth with water, with nicotine patches, gum, etc. also, but this time electronic cigarette is showing up.

Nicotine addictive, but tar cigarettes is the real culprit, in the process of carcinogenesis and tumor promotion have played a role. In people's minds, the nicotine in cigarettes (also known as nicotine) is the leading source of all human body in various diseases, but more scientific research has found that the main role of nicotine is addictive, dependence, and real harm to the body is burning cigarettes release carbon monoxide, tar and irritating smoke.

Alkaloid nicotine is a small molecule, the human body after inhalation, 90% of lung absorbed into the blood after 6 seconds to reach the brain, and sympathetic impact manifests itself in short-term excitement, followed by an inhibition . In addition to increased nicotine in cigarettes smoke, the major also is it the physiological stimulus, such strength can also be "satisfied" or "not satisfied", a high nicotine content of tobacco smoke is also a large momentum and vice versa smaller.

However, carbon monoxide and tar is not the same. Carbon monoxide can cause cardiovascular disorders and oxygen poisoning may also cause sickness, but a cigarette can produce carbon monoxide are 0.3 to 0.4mg. Cigarette tobacco tar is in the organic matter in anoxic conditions, incomplete combustion, is by a variety of hydrocarbon and hydrocarbon oxide, sulfide, nitride composed of complex compounds, for the human body mainly on the concentration of harmful components here.

The most obvious features of electronic cigarette is only through the medical with the artificial nicotine, retained the taste of cigarettes and refreshing effect, but without tar and other harmful substances. Electronic chip which can control the intake of nicotine, to avoid over-excitement

When people start smokingelectronic cigarettes, the liquid solution in the current role of nicotine into the atomization chamber, is that AMD aerosol pump spray imaging as cigarette smoke, enters the lungs, but that smoke is in fact with the smoke of the steam, not harmful to human.

Piece of silicon is to control the people is the role of nicotine intake. Normally, a cigarette smoke can be 14 to 16, the electronic cigarettes have been smoking this time control. When the people of this electronic cigarette smoking has 16, the chip will issue instructions to automatically cut off the supply of liquid nicotine. Half an hour later, it will resume. This will avoid excessive intake of nicotine people, excessive excitement.

Electronic cigarette nicotine content by decreasing day by day, smokers will be able to unconsciously put the body lowest nicotine physiological demand, until no.

Many smokers have quit smoking syndrome, manifested by irritability, nausea and vomiting, endocrine disorders.

Designers of electronic cigarette full account of this, they are under different levels of smoking's addictive, with a corresponding set of electronic cigarette with different concentrations of nicotine, were divided into high, medium and low, without the four, the electronic chip control, decreased day by day in a certain period of spray volume, and then in turn used by the high content of nicotine to the smoke from the alkali content of the container, to addiction from high concentrations of large, high levels of Start, and then gradually transition to the medium, low, until no.

This can avoid a sudden cessation caused by endocrine disorders and other symptoms, without affecting the psychological needs of smokers to achieve the aim without suffering the slow smoking.

Ordinary tobacco cigarettes divided and mixed with different flavors such as, electronic cigarette is also prescribed for different flavors, different levels of nicotine to modulate a variety of tastes, not to ex-smokers feel uncomfortable. Others, such as minty, fruity, and people had the habit of smoking at the same time, can remove mouth odor.