Women and Heart Disease - Health

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Coronary Artery Disease is the most common disease that leads to heart attack, but there are other causes that should still be considered. Obesity is also on the rise and a huge problem in the United States of America which doesn’t help the statistics of Heart attack and other heart diseases.

A high fat diet and obesity is the #1 reason for heart attacks. When you have Coronary Artery Disease it means your heart has an overgrowth of plaque in its arteries. With CAD, heart attacks occur when a build up of plaque ruptures in the artery causing a blood clot which in turn blocks oxygen and creates the attack. The artery becomes damaged and that section of the heart starts dieing. Once a part of your heart is damaged it becomes harder for your heart to pump blood efficiently. It has to work harder and the probability of another heart attack is high.

There are symptoms that may show signs of a coming heart attack. Some of these symptoms include angina. Angina classifies as pain either in the chest, jam, the back of jaw, shoulders, arm, or back. Stress also triggers Angina. It’s a squeezing or pressure like pain that goes away with rest and comes back when active. Some people who have CAD have no symptoms. It’s called the Silent Heart Attack. Women on the other hand have completely different symptoms then that of men.

Women have often stated that they noticed symptoms a month before their heart attack. About half of them had no chest pain or discomfort. The most noticeable symptoms are unusual sudden fatigue, restlessness, shortness of breath, cold sweats, anxiety, and dizziness. Indigestion is another symptom that can be confused with an everyday disturbance. All of these symptoms however can be confused with many other conditions or even a sign of dehydration.

Heart attack is hard to detect whether you’re a man or woman. The way you can be sure to avoid the attack is by exercising daily. Eat a low fat diet filled with vegetables and fruit. Drink plenty of water and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Prevention is the only cure. Obesity and high cholesterol is completely preventable and reversible with discipline of a healthy diet, exercise and water. It’s cost efficient. If you are genetically prone to high cholesterol or other heart-related disease, you may need to see a doctor and get on prescription medication. All you need is will power and you can be on your way to be worry free.

Women have often stated that they noticed symptoms a month before their heart attack. About half of them had no chest pain or discomfort. The most noticeable symptoms are unusual sudden fatigue, restlessness, shortness of breath, cold sweats, anxiety, and dizziness. Indigestion is another symptom that can be confused with an everyday disturbance. All of these symptoms however can be confused with many other conditions or even a sign of dehydration.

Heart attack is hard to detect whether you’re a man or woman. The way you can be sure to avoid the attack is by exercising daily. Eat a low fat diet filled with vegetables and fruit. Drink plenty of water and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Prevention is the only cure. Obesity and high cholesterol is completely preventable and reversible with discipline of a healthy diet, exercise and water. It’s cost efficient. If you are genetically prone to high cholesterol or other heart-related disease, you may need to see a doctor and get on prescription medication. All you need is will power and you can be on your way to be worry free.