Smoking Cigarette Habits are Prone to Relapses Just Like Alcoholism

As it appears, alcoholism and smoking cigarette are the most commonly adopted habits in the category of drug abuse and alcoholism. Almost every young man and woman is a regular smoker, drinker or both as opposed to other hard drugs like bhang, cocaine, heroin, madrax that are exploited by some isolated cases. But then the big question is whether one can completely heal from this obsession without experiencing relapses. The big similarity between the two cases is that there is recurring urge to smoke or drink to feel relaxed and therefore very addicting habits. With an alcoholic, there are a number of health hazards attached to it as shown below:

There is high risk of breast cancer ranging from 88 per 1000 non-drinking women to 133 per 1000 drinking six drinks 'bottles of wine a day. It could also cause depression and liver cirrhosis that increased by 74 per cent between 1990 and 2000. At least five to seven cases per cent of diagnosed cases of hypertension are due to heavy drinking. It's widely believed that drinking alcohol particularly wine is beneficial for the health. However according to alcohol anonymous, the only thing known for sure is that about one unit a day can have a cardio-protective effect on men over 40 and post menopausal women.

However if you are a heavy drinker there is hope for you out there but top most you must accept that you got a problem and the need to solve it. Approach any alcohol anonymous groups all over the world, with centers that fight tooth and nail to eliminate this addiction effect on potential people.

The sessions are many and one may even need to be admitted for duration of time prescribed by doctors. The counseling sessions are also pivotal at this point and the victim is supposed to be encouraged to stop the habit of drinking, smoking cigarette or both by all who cares but not ridiculed. It's important for one to make sure that he avoids the chances of having a drink in his house, place of work or wherever they are to avoid the relapses.

Smoking cigarettes just like alcoholism is a grave addiction that is hard to put to an end. There is a pushy feeling in a smokers mind to take a puff every time there is tension in their mind and need to obey the voices that smoking will relieve one of his or her stress. Even when the doctor warns someone not to smoke so as not to aggravate the cancer problem in one or both of his lungs, one can't help it not to smoke. How about that tuberculosis only worsened by the cigarette smoke or even that throat cancer that contracts it until you can't feed especially on solid foods?

To stop smoking cigarette crisis, one has to be very determined and be informed about the dangers of smoking. Then seek therapies from drug abuse sections where he or she can access the information concerning this and make use of it. Discipline just like in alcoholism is a fundamental issue, because if not one may have some relapses after retreating for some time that will amount to nothing at the end of it.

This is an original article written by Esteri Maina on /?p=79" SMOKING CIGARETTES. Esteri Maina is an author with a great gift and full of inspiration.