What's in a Cigarette?Tobacco companies are fighting the disclosure of the ingredients found in cigarettes, claiming it to be a 'trade secret'. But we do know that a cigarette contains over 4,000 chemicals, of which most of them are harmful. Here is the list of substances that are 'harmless' and that we use possibly everyday. 1. Ascorbic Acid Sounds unbelievable huh? I never thought I would find such interesting stuff in a cigarette! Some of these products can be found naturally in food, and in fact, we use most of them for our daily consumption. Here is the scary list. It is good enough to make you dump your whole packet of cigarettes! 1. Ammonia: Found in household cleaners. So, let me sum up what happens when you smoke a cigarette. You are trying to drink your toilet bowl cleaner, treating yourself like a rat/insect, eating car batteries, protecting yourself against moths, and preserving yourself, ALL at the same time! Most of the chemicals inhaled in cigarette smoke stay in the lungs. The more you inhale, the better it feels, and the more damage you do to your body. They were added to make you tolerate the toxic amounts of cigarette smoke and with the intention to keep you addicted. Quitting is an option. You do not have to bow to these chemicals anymore. |