Human life can be saved by the universal code of conduct

Human life have developed all evil techniques to destruct all natural resources of planet and so its existence.  Present all religions are failing to control moral character of humans. Present all religions are in control of political actors. Present religions have divided one God and set different Universal code of conduct for its followers and not-followers.

With fast development of science and technology, movement and communication on this Earth is becoming faster and faster.  Barrier of country border are becoming insignificant to affect the life styles of human and change climate and natural resources of the world.

The stage has set where the present and the future of human life is to be determined by science and technology. The stage has set where the present and the future of human life depends on man's action. We may not feel the effects of development of science and technology and human actions in the present, but the whole human civilization will face consequences of its evil actions. Time has come, when spiritual people from all faiths needs to sit together, to ponder over Universal code of conduct for Human life of this world.

No person, country or religion owns its moral duties toward protecting the natural environment. All wants to corner natural wealth of world by cheating others through what we call business corporate. No body or country follow Universal code of conduct of human rights set through United Nations. Those who administer United Nations are more worried to protect its veto powers incorporated in Universal code of conduct of human rights.

Presently major wealth of world stands cornered by those individual and companies that have interests in warfare, intoxication , substandard medicine and creating products that causes food poisoning and media that drift us from moral attitudes of people.  We have created tax havens that have corrupted major wealth of world. Resulting major human life is deprived of their natural human rights for food, water, shelter, medicine and breathes in natural environment. Their human rights are jeering at Universal code of conduct of human rights set through United Nations.

Until we develop one religion for human life in this world, which will be highly suitable to change the attitudes of administrator of world, present common man life and future generation human life continue to be destined by them.  Poor religious people continue to suffer with false hope of lollipop of heaven from their spiritual leaders.  .

Universal code of conduct needs to curb human greed and that damages common resources. All religions consist of morals and ideals to regulate our relationship with nature. All religious ideals and morals need to bring under Universal code of conduct