A Proper Paradigmatic Perspective

What in the world does that mean?

Our world is being filled with more and more information which is being doubled and compounded at an incredible rate. We have true access to the world in so many ways: desk tops, lap tops, iPads, Smart phones, WiFi everywhere, and entertainment options beyond belief.

If you have a question, you can find the answer in a matter of SECONDS if you know the right question to GOOGLE. If you don't phrase the question right, it might take you a few minutes to find the answers to almost any question.


There are some things that no amount of technology, nor GOOGLE can offer you. We are more than a package of atoms, fields of energy, and chemical responses. We are SPIRIT BEINGS. We are a fragment of the universe, a ray of light of the LIGHT! We are all connected in ways we'll never understand this side of life. The Ground of Being that infuses itself into every life (eternally) is and has always offered us something special.


This is a "personal IT", so don't freak out on me now. I am not taking away the intimacy and personal relationship: in fact, I am encouraging us to go deeper into that rabbit hole. If we're to circumnavigate the waters and headwinds of our time (2010), we're going to need a totally different approach and view of life.  We're going to need a proper paradigmatic perspective.

The ancients simply called it UNCONDITIONAL LIVE!.

As my earlier culture used to ask, ‘Can you DIG it"?:-)

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