How To Dress To Look Taller For Men - How You Dress is One of the Secrets to Looking Tall

/?010710" How To Dress To Look Taller For Men

If you are trying to make yourself look taller how about trying some techniques with clothes. The way you dress can have a visual impact on how tall or short you look and if you do it right you can benefit from the looking taller aspect of it. Read the tips below to see what can be done.How To Dress To Look Taller For Men

Of course the first obvious thing would be to wear elevated shoes. This could mean shoes with a thicker soles or even a bulkier shoe that may give the illusion of more size. Insoles are available which can help also.

The colors of your clothes can have a real impact in how you look. If you wear dark pants and a very light shirt, it can make you look shorter. If you keep the pants or skirt and shirt close to the same color or shade, the focus is taken off the waist line and gives the illusion of being taller. /?010710" How To Dress To Look Taller For Men

Men should avoid pants with a cuff because it breaks up the flow and wearing a shirt with a v-neck such as a button up shirt or polo style shirt, will help add length to the neck. Ladies can wear slimmer skirts and pants and wear narrow belts to help create that illusion.

Try not to wear clothes with patterns because it will break up the visual flow and make you look shorter. The exception would be vertical lines or stripes which would compliment the length of the body. Also the better your clothes fit the better, if you wear baggy or loose fitting it will make you look wider and shorter. /?010710" How To Dress To Look Taller For Men