From Seed To Fruit!Why is it that we're not seeing more FRUIT from the many religions around the world? Where's the grace and mercy of the Christian community, the loving ones neighbor from Judaism, the abiding peace from Buddhists and Hindus, as well and the Koran teachings of love from the Muslim community? When one looks at the Middle East particularly, it seems as though there's NO PEACE and LITTLE LOVE between not just different religions but within factions of the same religion. Life is live INSIDE OUT! Psychologists know what most religions say in passing but pass on practicing. The SEED of divinity lies within each and every person but that seed must be watered and nutured with LOVE if it is to grow. Alvin Boyd Kuhn puts it this way, "The activity of life energies invariably is in the movement from latency in germ or seed outward and upward to physical manifestation. The line of march is from seed to fruit." We're not seeing those "greater things" that Jesus said that we could because we're not watering the seed with LOVE. Instead, we're gardening the brain with more and more doctrinal fertilizer in the hope that we'll come up with the answers: the fruit. While good fruit can come from the head, it must ultimately come from the HEART for us to take full advantage of the product being grown. Most often, we find that it is external forces that causes to pull inward and thereby find the answers. Why must we so often wait until the crisis demands before we take action? Why can't we be proactive and build from within before the crisis and thereby prevent them? The germ of divinity lies dormant in the field of our soul waiting to be directed for the benefit of all. Whatcha waiting on? |