Tell Me Who I Am!

Let me begin by asking a question that I posited to the LRC community last Friday.

What would the world look like if Christianity had stayed with the GOOD NEWS? What would the world be like (what would you and I be like?) if it hadn't been hammered into us that we were "filthy rags", or that we were "unworthy"? What might have changed in the world if we were not told that we came into the world stained, spotted, and sinful (original sin)?

I have to think the world would be vastly different.

If I've learned anything in life it is that too often we become what we've been told that we are. If our parents tell us that we're "losers", we most often fulfill that statement. Just what kind of world could we be experiencing IF we were told......the rest of the story- such as:

1-We were created in the image of God,

2-We are the apple of our Father's eye,

3-We are made of incorruptible seed, and so on.

Instead of practicing, "sin management", why not an emphasis on sacred sojourners?

But, since we can wonder all we want and since we can't change the PAST, why not begin by working and living in the NOW by reaffirming the gift that is in each of us- the gift that was in Jesus which is us as well. We are ALL the children of God. No religion has ALL the truth. No one religion can contain ALL that God is, but this I know.

You, the one who is reading these words now, have an incredible gift within called the Spirit of God, the Light, and the divine imprint of God. You don't need to GO anywhere. You don't need to catch the next ride to the latest "spiritual explosion" going on some where in the world. You don't need to look to the heavens, but WITHIN!

Within you is God's every essence and life. It can be called by many names but it manifests itself as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. That my fellow reader, is WHO and WHAT you ARE!