Hierophantic Hunches

A HIEROPHANTIC is one who interprets the sacred mysteries or arcane knowledge such as the Bible.

There are hidden messages everywhere in the ancient texts and yet fundamentalism would have you believe that a LITERAL interpretation is what's needed to un-package the manuscripts. So much of the Bible is allegory and metaphor, not to mention the importance of numerology which is where I want to camp today.

The first verse of Genesis is not unusual in how it's constructed. In Hebrews, it is composed of seven words and shows nine combinations of the words and phrases that equal multiples of seven. So, how can we say that a LITERAL interpretation is paramount to understanding the message? The answer is we can't.

Numbers and symbols are the stuff of sacred texts.

The marriage feast at Cana pictures 6 pots of water signifying he 6 days of creation that generates the birth of the spirit. Both Jesus and Buddha often tarried for 7 days, Kings often ruled for 40 years. There were 12 baskets, 12 stones, 8 days for circumcision, and so on. The message here is that these numbers are but "pointers" to what is real.

Jesus himself  is but a pointer to the Creator, not the Creator.

Numerology is any of many different systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things. The operative word here is esoteric. God and sacred things (which we all are) must inevitably be to some degree a MYSTERY! We must not allow our ego to dictate how see live, nor live life.

The humility of not knowing, coupled with the faith and courage of our "love nature" will propel us into the Kingdom unlike anything else can.

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