Historical Biography or Allegorical Truths?The greatest of all divisive approaches to life is to come at it with CERTAINTY! Certitude is the end-all of cooperation. One of the best "discussion stoppers" is when there's a discussion-argument going on and someone says, "Well God told me it's ABC and not XYZ". Discussion over- game set, match! When the FATUOUS argument dumbs-down to, "God said" there's simply nowhere to go! Ancient texts such as the Bible were written primarily from an allegorical paradigm and yet to make the message more pronounced, the early church fathers kept sliding the bar more and more to the historical market. There is history IN the Bible of course; however, is that the main way the text-manuscripts were written? Because we have the GOSPEL of John in the New Testament, does that mean John is an historical work? Becuase there are FOUR Gospels in the Bible does that mean they are the only GOSPELS with truth? Of course not! There are dozens upon dozens of Gospels. Why four? Origen gave the answer that it was because there are four directions? Wow, what logic! Additionally the word Gospel has become near synonymous with the word TRUTH or the word ORTHODOX. It's abundantly clear that none of the Gospels are without factual error, but that doesn't mean they aren't laden with spiritual truths, universal metaphors, and time-tested allegories. I've simply come to the place where I see the Bible (especially the New Testament) as a book with inspiring narrative, hyperbolic legends, beautiful poetry, prophetic pronouncements, and instructive teachings for ethical enhancement. Oh yes, and then one has to remember that we don't have even ONE ORIGINAL manuscript, much less either of the four Gospels brandishing the name of the author to which we later ascribed the work. So, it seems to me that the high road would be to follow the allegorical truths and not get too caught up in trying to defend some historical account. Oh yes, and regardless of how one interprets the Bible, just simply LOVE them and don't try to prove anything, unless they ask, and even then tread gently. |