What if Islam is the correct Religion and Judaism and Christianity are wrong

Someone asked me this simple question:

Can you make a simple statement to solve the dilemma of which Religion is the correct one?

I said: let us see what the probability test says

He said: what is the relationship between the probability test and the dilemma of which Religion is the correct one? Please do not make the issue complicated.

I said: the probability test puts forwards three logic probabilities

1. Judaism is the correct Religion and Christianity and Islam are wrong

2. Christianity is the correct Religion and Judaism and Islam are wrong

3. Islam is the correct Religion and Judaism and Christianity are wrong

Well, let us see the result of each probability

1. What if Judaism is the correct Religion and Christianity and Islam are wrong

In this case, Jews of course will enter the Paradise in the Hereafter.

Also, Christians and Muslims will enter the Paradise in the Hereafter because they believe in the great Prophet Moses and believe in his book, the Torah.

2. What if Christianity is the correct Religion and Judaism and Islam are wrong

In this case, Christians of course will enter the Paradise in the Hereafter.

However, the Jews will go to the Eternal Hell because they deny the Lord Jesus, Saint Mary and the Gospel.

On the other hand, Muslims will enter the Paradise in the Hereafter because they Love, respect and believe in the Lord Jesus and his Pure mother Saint Mary. Also, Muslims believe in the Gospel.

3. What if Islam is the correct Religion and Judaism and Christianity are wrong

In this case, Muslims of course will enter the Paradise in the Hereafter.

On the other hand, both Jews and Christians will go to the Eternal Hell in the Hereafter because they both deny Allah, Muhammad and the Quran.

The results of the probability test in respect to which Religion is the correct one and its impact on the Hereafter show that:

1. Jews have a chance of 33% to enter the Paradise in the Hereafter and a chance of 66% to go to Eternal Hell.

2. Christians have a chance of 66% to enter the Paradise in the Hereafter and a chance of 33% to go to Eternal Hell.

3. Muslims have a chance of 100% to enter the Paradise in the Hereafter and a chance of 0% to go to Eternal Hell.