1. Hadrat Umar (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) narrated ALLAH's Messenger as saying, Should anyone falls asleep and fails to the perform supplication such as prayers which he normally made in the night, if he performs it between the dawn and the noon Salaah (Zuhar Salaah) it will be recorded for him as though he had recited it during the night. [Muslim]
2. Bismillah should be said if a (complete) surah is recited after surah al-Fatihah in the Salaah and if only a ruku (part of a surah) is recited, Bismillah need not be said. [Bahishti Zewar]
3. Hadrat Abu Hurairah (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) narrated that the Messenger of ALLAH said, ‘Say Aameen when the reciter (the lmam) says it, for the angels do so, and if any one's utterance of Aameen synchronises with that of the angels, he will be forgiven his past sins. [Bukhari]
4. In the first rakah of Fajr Salaah the surah to be recited (after surah Al-Fatihah should be longer than that to be recited in the second rakah. [Bahishti Zewar]
5. While making a du'a (supplication) the hands should be raised to the level of the chest and spread.[Bihishti Zewar]
6. Saltuation (tasleem) on the right side should be loud and on the left side it should be comparatively low. [Imam Ahmad - Madârijun Nubuwah}
7. According to Imam Azam (Abu Hanifa) moderation is necessary in ruku and sajood and this is also necessary in the interval between two sajdahs. [Madarij -un- Nubuwah]
The point of convergence of sight during Salaah.
8. While standing in Salaah (Qiyam), the look should remain confined on the spot for sajdah and while prostrating (during sajdah), the direction of the nose should be kept in view and over one's right and left shoulders while saying salam. [Bahishti Zewar]
9. When the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) stood up for Salaah, he kept his head downwards (reported by Imam Ahmad) and while reciting tashahhud, his look would not extend beyond the first finger of the right hand. [Zad -ul- Mad]
10. Hadrat Anas (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) narrated that the Messenger of ALLAH told him: ‘O Anas, keep your look confined to the spot where you prostrate during the whole prayer i.e in Qiyam." [Mishkat]
11. The sunan Salaah after the fard should not be said standing on the same spot. One should move to the right, or left or forward or backward. It is meritorious to say them at home. [Madarij -un- Nubuwah]
Perform the Nafil Salaah at home
12. Hadrat ‘Abdullah – ibn — Masud narrated. I asked the Prophet whether it is better to perform the nafil Salaah in the mosque or at home. The Prophet replied, "Don't you see how close to the mosque I live and there is no difficulty or hinderance in my coming to the mosque, yet I prefer to perform my Salaah other than fard Salaah at home?" [Shamail -e- Tirmizi]
13. Hadrat lbn Umar (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) narrated ALLAH's Messenger as saying: "Perform some of your Salaah in your houses, and do not turn them into graves." [Mishkat]
How women should perform the Salaah
14. Hadrat lbn ‘Umar (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) narrated that the Prophet said, ‘A women's Salaah said inside the house (in the inner verandah) is better than that said in the courtyard, and is still better if said in a small room than in the open parts (of the house). [Abu Dawud - Mishkat]
15. Hadrat ‘Amr bin Shu'aib (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) said on his father's authority that his grandfather reported Allah's Messenger as saying, Command your children to observe Salaah when they are seven years old and beat them for (not observing) it when they are ten years old." [Mishkat]
Passing in front of one performing Salaah
16. Hadrat Abu Hurairah (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) narrated ALLAH's Messenger as saying "If one of you knew what he incurred by passing in front of his brother and interfering with his Salaah, it would be better to stop a hundred years than to take a single step." [Mishkat - Ibn Majah]
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