Halaal And Haraam!

1. It is not permissible to eat animals and birds that hunt their prey or those animals and birds that eat filthy things. For example, it is haraam to eat lions, wolves, jackals, cats, dogs, monkeys, hawks, falcons, vultures, etc. Those animals that do not fall under this category are halaal. For example, it is halaal to eat parrots, mynahs, doves, sparrows, quails, wild ducks, pigeons, antelopes, buck, ducks, rabbits, etc.

2. It is not permissible to eat badgers, lizards, tortoises, turtles, wasps, mules, donkeys, etc. It is not permissible to eat the meat of a female ass nor is it permissible to drink her milk. It is permissible to eat the meat of horses, but preferable to abstain from it. Among the sea animals, only fish are permissible. All other animals of the sea are haraam.

3. It is permissible to eat fish and locusts without slaughtering them. Apart from these two animals, it is not permissible to eat any animal that has not been slaughtered in the Islamic way. It is haraam to eat an animal that has died a natural death.

4. It is not be permissible to eat a fish if it dies naturally and begins to float on the surface of the water.

5. It is permissible to eat the tripe of halaal animals. It is not haraam to do so, nor makruh.

6. If a few small ants or worms die in anything, it will not be permissible to eat that thing without first removing those dead ants or worms. If one or two ants or worms go down the throat, one will get the sin of eating a dead animal. Some people eat wild figs together with the little worms that are found inside thinking that by eating these wild figs they will not be afflicted by evil eyes or evil gazes. This is haraam. They will get the sin of eating a dead animal.

7. It is not permissible to purchase and eat meat that is sold by a non-Muslim even if he claims that he had it slaughtered by a Muslim. However, if the Muslim who slaughtered it remains in the presence of the non-Muslim all the time until all the meat is sold, it will be permissible to consume such meat. Alternatively, the person who slaughtered the meat could call another Muslim to keep watch over it until all the meat is sold. At no time should any Muslim absent himself from that meat.

8. A fowl or chicken that eats a lot of filthy things should be encaged for three days and only after that should it be slaughtered and eaten. It is makruh to eat such a fowl without encaging it for three days.

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