The Law of Thinking

From birth, many of us have been discouraged from thinking for ourselves.  How many of us had well meaning parents, teachers and other authority figures that often said that they would 'tell us what we need to know'?  That framework then laid the foundation for all that we thought that we knew and all that occupied our minds.  Our conditioning has been so thorough that we still don't question what we were taught because we trusted the people that taught us.  Instead, we find ourselves trying to fit the rest of the world into that familiar framework.

We know that a good education and a lot of hard work are the keys to success.  That success will make us happy.  After all, don't you see happy, successful people all around you?  Isn't your happiness also a part of the plan of the Universe?  If you believe that your fulfillment could be manifested, then

this is where the Law of Thinking steps in.  The law tells us that failures come from letting the outside world control us.  Whether we sit glued to the television watching non-stop broadcasting about the latest tragedy or whether we give more weight to someone else because "he is smart" or "she has a great instinct", that is giving more credit to what is outside of us than to what we already know to be within ourselves.  We have the answers that we seek!  We have the power to make it all happen!

What is 'it' that we want to have happen?  We first need to define what we want.  That involves asking the right question to get the right response.  Then we may proceed and use the Law of Thinking.

Meaningful, constructive thinking takes us in the right direction and aligns us with the Universe.  If we understand that The Law of Life states that the entire Universe is spiritual, then it makes perfect sense that The Law of Thinking can help us achieve whatever is in alignment with Spirit.

How do we assess our thinking and refine it so that it is an appropriate reflection of who we are?  The first, and best gauge is our results.  Does your life right now reflect where you want to be?  Is this life that you are living an accurate representation of who you are?  If you say that it is not, then your thinking needs to be aligned with your vision.

Is your behavior, both public and private, an accurate reflection of what you wish to present to the world?  If not, maybe that is because you are using your busy mind, that mind that was created by and is still influenced by others.  That is not the thinking that will take your life in the desired direction.

We can manifest what we want by correct thinking that is in line with the Universe.  Prove it to yourself if you must, but the Law of Thinking exists.  What you choose to think about and put your energy into is what will shape the reality in your life.

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