The Real Da Vinci Code: The Vitruvian Man Helps Us Understand Religious SymbolsUnderstanding how the Vitruvian Man (Da Vinci Man) supports religious symbols can help us experience more wholeness in our life. Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man (Da Vinci Man with four arms and four legs in a square and circle) is the most popular secular symbol in the world. My ten years of research indicates amazing similarities between the sacred geometry of the Vitruvian Man (Da Vinci Man), Yin-Yang, Star of David, Tree of Life, Christian Cross, Angels and Kabbalah. Leonardo Da Vinci said it best: "The outstretched arms and legs of a man form a square and a circle: the square symbolizes the solid physical world and the circle the spiritual and eternal. Man bridges the gap between these two worlds."-Leonardo Da Vinci, "The Magical Proportions of Man" The Da Vinci Man in the circle represents spirituality descending upon earth (heaven on earth). The Da Vinci Man in the square represents material creation aspiring towards spirituality (earth unto heaven). The two cojoined forms of the Da Vinci Person, create a man with four arms and four legs, resembling a man with wings, a human angel. The two cojoined aspects of the Yin-Yang, Star of David and Christian Cross also reveal the balance of complementary opposites indicating the indivisible wholeness of creation. Understanding how the Da Vinci Man supports religious symbols can help us experience more wholeness in our lives. My research indicates that the cojoined forms of the Vitruvian Man and religious symbols reveal the integration and wholeness every person is seeking in order to achieve balance, inner peace and happiness. These cojoined figures represent the union of man with the Divine, the integration of body and soul, heart and mind, compassion with clarity, work with love, masculine and feminine. The Da Vinci Man is a Code that helps reveal how we can find the integration and wholeness we are seeking. The Da Vinci Man, Yin Yang, Star of David, Tree of Life and Christian Cross portray the cycles of every wave function in Nature: Every wave function has both peak (mountain) and trough (valley). The electromagnetic spectrum consists of wave functions oscillating millions of times per second. Ocean and sound waves are oscillating waves. The seasons all move in waves. The breath, heartbeat, brain waves and digestion all come in wave cycles of peak and trough, yin and yang. Rest at night and wakefulness during the day is such a cycle. This oscillation is represented by the two forms of the Da Vinci Man in the square and circle, as well as religious symbols. The Yin Yang resembles a circle transversed by a wave, the union of particle and wave. The Yin-Yang is a combination particle-wave holon (holistic synergy of particle and wave). The two cojoined forms of the Da Vinci Man resemble a Western Yin Yang. The Mona Lisa, with one half of her face smiling and darker than the other half, is also representative of the Yin Yang (according to Da Vinci author Michael Gelb). A Star of David made of cloth and spun in a circular motion would resemble a Yin-Yang. The encircled Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, resembles the Yin-Yang. Early Christians made the sign of a fish. This was a secret code. If the other person responded with the sign of a fish, they knew they could acknowledge their faith in safe company. The two fish resemble a Yin-Yang The Tree of Life (Kabbalah, Jewish Mysticism) has two cojoined sides. One represents feminine qualities (like Yin) the other represent masculine qualities (like Yang). The Tree of Life resembles the Christian Tree of Jesse. The Da Vinci Man fits wonderfully into the ten spheres of the Tree of Life. Four arms and four legs, head, and two feet together fit very comfortably into the ten spheres. The Cosmic Adam and Eve are said to inhabit the one body of the form that fits into the Tree of Life. This dovetails well with the two cojoined forms of the Da Vinci Man. I believe that the Da Vinci Man is a code to help us understand the value of religious symbols and, therefore, help us experience more wholeness in our life. |