Ampalaya: Cure for Diabetes

Ampalaya. Just the mere mention of the word leads one to imagine its bitter taste. How much more if one is made to eat it?
But for many people afflicted with diabetes, ampalaya might as well be the answer to lower the level of their blood sugar. Its bitter taste is medically known to lower the blood sugar of
most diabetics.

One of the best known products from ampalaya is Charantia. It is endorsed and used
by known personalities as an effective treatment for diabetes. It is a product which originated in the Philippines and is fast becoming globally accepted . It is now being sold in many countries,
including USA.The Department of Health even openly advocates its use for Type 2 Diabetes.

In today’s world where there are many
outbreaks of diseases, ampalaya is a breakthrough. Since the cost of medicines is skyrocketing, this local but effective substitute
brings affordable health care to many Filipinos.

In most countries,herbal resources are utilized to a great extent because their benefits are known to be numerous. However, in the Philippines, the herbal industry is still
considered an infant compared to other countries. With the tremendous acceptance of many people about the effectiveness of the product, it is most
likely that amplaya will take the lead in our local herbal industry.
Indeed, Ampalaya leads the way to a strong
Herbal industry.