Applying Praying Power Secrets in your Daily Prayer Life

Copyright (c) 2010 Joy Obihara

Did you know that Praying Power when directed properly can literally transform your life, and this simple but very effective method of communing with God and yourself on a deeper level has been practised for many centuries till this day?

Why do you think Praying Power Continues to Change Lives Till This Day?

Well, one main reason is because it's spiritual, and part of the universal creative energy source, without you even understanding how it works on a conscious level. When you pray wholeheartedly in communication with God that is within you, it allows you to exert a deeper subconscious co-operation in harmony with your life's purpose.

In applying the principles of "Praying Power" you are allowing yourself to co-operate with the spiritual energy within your inner being as you grow with life's challenges through Praying Power day by day.

How come there is so much Struggle, Stress and Strain in Today's Lifestyle?

You see, one reason why there is so much struggle with life today could be attributable to the fact that some people hardly ever stop to think of an inner realisation of their life purpose, and another reason may be due to fear of change, insecurity, lack of the knowledge of how to go about it, unaware of what their true goals in life are and how to start reaching it, etc.

Why is Praying Power so effective and Captivating when applied properly?

Because the hidden spiritual power of prayers when applied consciously, consistently and effectively may be compared with a highly charged electrifying power source, which can send instant rippling feelings of Joy, peace, gratitude, contentment, purpose, hope, love etc, down your whole body, ready to direct its potential to your definite cause.

The awesome feelings of prayer when one is "lost in the spirit of prayer" can't be fully expressed in words. You need to experience it in "body and soul".

Ultimate Starting Point in using Prayer Power for a definite Purpose

In applying effective principles of praying power, the starting point is from a mindset of Gratitude, no matter how adverse circumstances may be right now, because gratitude will allow you to redirect your focus into Thanksgiving and your energy towards your inner desires into forward positive expectation

Praying Power Faith working for you, Starting Now

When you effectively apply "Praying Power", you are tapping into your unlimited resources, your God given power, allowing the flow of the "Light of Faith" towards your passion with the absolute belief that you have obtained it.

This is exactly what is meant in the bible verse that reads "Therefore I tell you, whatsoever you desire in prayer believing that you have received, you'll receive. - Mark, Chapter 11 verse 24.

So, in the practice of effective Prayers, you fire up your desire in "Praying Power" with the "Absolute Faith" that your desire is assured. You then gracefully pray continuously with thanksgiving and without fear or doubt in confidence that it's on its way to you.

Praying Power - Transforming Lives Day by Day

The practice of power through prayer and the steps to acquire this power as a progressive way of life has been demonstrated by world renowned prayer warriors such as E. M. Bounds, T. Anderson, and many others.

Infact, one Master in Power Prayers - E. M. Bounds publications on the "Astonishing Power of Prayers" has been renowned as a classic masterpiece on the principles and practice of prayer for a definite purpose.

These prayer warriors of all time, helped so many people transform their lives through Praying Power, and some of the comments from people around the world who have experienced changes include statements like "overwhelming and compelling prayer publications", "The words of truth", "This is timeless dynamite that goes straight to the point" and so on.

The principles of Praying Power and its effect on ordinary people is life captivating, refreshing life transforming.

Praying Power directs you to precisely practice and live the experience of simple and dynamic Prayers to transform your life into what you wish it to be.

Hence, Praying Power when directed properly and consistently, will allow you to understand how to control circumstances, conditions and environments in your life, which gives you the freedom and Life Mastery that you truly deserve.