Height Growth Age Limit - Measurements of Growth

/?010710" Height Growth Age Limit

The first few years of life - a time when most children receive the weight and grow much more rapidly than they will later. Sometimes, however, infants and children do not meet expected standards of growth. Although most of these children should be the pattern of growth, which are variations of normal, while others are believed to have "failure to thrive."Height Growth Age Limit

This is a common diagnosis, with many possible causes. Common to all cases, however, failure to get weight as expected, which is often accompanied by poor growth in height. Diagnosing and consideration of the child who is unable to flourish, focusing on how to identify any underlying problem. From there, doctors and the family are cooperating to bring the child into a healthy pattern of growth.

What is failure to thrive?

Although it is recognized more than a century, failure to thrive lacks a precise definition, partly because it describes a condition rather than a specific disease. Children who are unable to thrive do not receive or are unable to adopt, maintain, or use the calories, was supposed to gain weight and grow as expected.

Most diagnoses of failure to thrive done in infants and toddlers - for the first few years of life - a crucial period of physical and mental development. After the birth of baby's brain grows well in the first year, as it will grow during the rest of the child's life. Poor diet during this period can have permanent negative effects on the mental development of the child. /?010710" Height Growth Age Limit

Taking into account that the average term baby doubles his or her birth weight by 4 months and triples it in 1 year, children with failure to thrive often do not meet those milestones. Sometimes, a child who is sent to "plump" and who shows signs of growing well, can begin to decrease in weight gain. After some time, linear (height) growth may slow as well.

If the condition progresses, undernourished child may:

* Becomes indifferent to his or her environment

* Avoid eye contact

* Becomes irritable

* Do not reach the milestones associated with the development of a meeting, walking and talking in the usual age /?010710" Height Growth Age Limit