Not By Works

Not-by-Works-150x150.jpgBecause the majority of humans identify with a false sense of self, most of us sacrifice Being in favor of doing.

We have conditioned ourselves to believe that hard work and struggle is the way to create a meaningful life. In accordance with those beliefs, we sacrifice our health, happiness and peace of mind to meet the expectations for "success" created by our perception of self through the eyes of other people.

But our real power is our creativity, not physical or mental prowess. Our human abilities to calculate and act are only tools for physical movement toward that which we have already created through the energy of our thoughts.

Since most of us emanate energy that projects our beliefs in physical labor and/or mental cunningness as a way of life, we wind up working ourselves into dis-ease in our attempt to accomplish a fleeting sense of self worth. Fear and fatigue permeate our lives as we compete against one another to gain money, status, respect and love from sources outside of ourselves.

When we work ourselves into what feels like bondage, we either continue working in a depressed state of mind, or seek charity either from government or people we consider more fortunate. And eventually many of us give up entirely, resigning ourselves to a life of mental and physical illness because we can see no way out.

But faith is knowledge that the unlimited possibilities for progression toward our destiny lie largely in what we cannot see; and that each step will become apparent as soon as we are prepared.  When our thought energy is aligned with our desires, the next step to facilitate their manifestation becomes obvious and feels Joyful.

Those of us who lack faith mostly think of all the circumstantial difficulties between what we are and what we wish we could be, while condemning people who we perceive as greedy, selfish or unfair. Then we endeavor to work feverishly toward what we think we deserve and/or use mental manipulation to control people or situations.

Most of us who achieve substantial monetary gain in this manner deal with guilt and depravation in many other areas of our lives. To compensate, many of us become "do-gooders", giving money to charities that help the so-called less fortunate.

Even the charities we tend to support extend our ignorance in the belief that certain people are powerless and impotent; which only adds to the energy that makes them so. The reality is that the more we give with misplaced energy, the more lack we create in the world.

The truth is that every single person on Earth is born into this material environment to be powerful creators, not by our own works but through focus upon our desires coupled with inspired action which can only follow knowledge that every desire is already fulfilled. Our ability to visualize our desires being manifest is the power that synchronizes everything in the material world toward the fulfillment of them.

If we are not feeling the Joyful energy that match the manifestation of our desires, our work accomplishes nothing but further identification with struggle as a way of being in the material world.

Until we are able to sacrifice the egocentric sense of self, we cannot fully experience the blessings and beauty that we have come forth to create. This means releasing the sense that we have to do anything at all and learning to enjoy being in the present moment without worry or despair.

Be true to you and let the inspired actions that follow your creativity describe your purpose.