A delightful and praiseworthy trait of a Scorpio lover is his ability to pick out a prospective soul mate at first sight and this is possible because their intuitive skills never let them down. His dark and magnetic and mysterious personality has an irresistible fascination and charm for members of the opposite sex. Oodles of sex appeal make them even more sought after. They are suspicious and jealous lovers. They are also extremely complicated and passionate in matters of the heart. When hurt in love, they become withdrawn and cold. It is also easy to break their hearts because they are so emotional, so beware, these people require careful handling.
What Do They Expect From Their Partners?
They need an understanding and very careful partner who will realize their need for keeping a part of themselves private and out of bounds even of the person they love the most. They expect their lover never to intrude or invade into their private world.
A Scorpio can be pretty dominating in personal relationships and a weak partner is what they seek. His partner has to be interesting enough to constantly challenge and stimulate his mental faculties and at the same time strong enough not to get bogged down by a whirlwind lifestyle.
Their lover should also be able to keep up with their splendid capability for pushing everything to the zenith and into the dizzy heights beyond. Total commitment is what he demands. It is therefore not so easy to find a perfect partner for a Scorpio, but once he hits upon his soul mate, he will be devoted and committed for life.
Compatibility with Various Sun-signs
A cancer or a Capricorn or a Pisces will make a perfect and ideal match for a Scorpio because of their similar tastes and mutual understanding. If they can get over bedroom bickering, minor disputes or overcome differences related to sex life, they will be on a roll. Marriage is certainly recommended and the union will be long and happy and stable.
A Sagittarius Scorpio combination or a Scorpio Aquarius match will be an affair without any future for Aquarius and Sagittarius's uninhibited and free wheeling lifestyle and love for freedom, liberty and the outside will lead to violent clashes with the stay at home Scorpios. Two Scorpios are too similar and will repel each other constantly and the sizzling sexual chemistry will fizzle out in the midst of violent hurricanes of dispute.
A Libra and a Scorpio are temperamentally too different and won't proceed beyond an initial sexual attraction. A successful union is possible between Leo and Scorpio and Virgo and Scorpio, but it will require too much of an effort from both sides. A match between Taurus and Scorpio is a big no no for it is doomed from the word go. A curious Gemini will be fascinated by Scorpio's charm but the initial attraction won't last beyond a lively frolic.
Soon Gemini will be searching for ways of escape. The sexual rapport between Aries and Scorpio will be undermined by sexual differences. It is not the best of matches.