There are many types of treatments available for diseases like allopathic, homeopathic, chiropractic treatments to name a few. There is a heightened awareness among people on what they consume as medicines and for this reason many people are slowly getting away from allopathic treatments and medicines, not to mention the soaring costs of patented medicines. These days, you have to spend a fortune even for a small illness. But there are many alternative treatments available to cure various physical and psychological illnesses.

One of which is color therapy. Catherine Poole, a well known color expert says colors play an important role in our every day lives. What we see, what we wear and the colors affect the way we see the world. Imagine a person is wearing in a color that you don't like, you would have negative thoughts about that person, but if he/she is wearing in a color that you like, you get positive impression on that person. The same thing applies to most of the things in the world. Unconsciously, we perceive the world for how it looks.

Color psychology , a branch of psychology, is increasingly being studied by psychologists and researchers these days. Many of them have found that there is a stark correlation between colors and the way we behave towards it. Most of them happen at the unconscious level that we don't realize it and for this reason, researchers recommend using certain colors in our living place and office. Many commercial establishments have also started to take advantage of color psychology to attract more customers and to get more brand awareness.

Advertisers very well know the relation between color and human response and use that to their advantage. By employing the right colors, they are able to attract more people to see their advertisements and that converts into business.