Was the Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) Beheaded?WAS THEPROPHETYAHYA (John the Baptist)BEHEADED? ©2008 by Agron Belica Edited by Dr. Jay R. Crook The Prophet Yahya could not have been beheaded as has been stated by many Muslim and Christian scholars. In regards to Jesus in the Quran we read:Peace on me the day I was born,the day that I die, and the day I will be raised up again.(Q. 19:33) The verse states that Jesus was given safety and security in these three situations. But what about Yahya ibn Zechariah? We find the same description for him as we find for Jesus,Peace on him the day he is born, the day hedies, and the day he is raised up again.(Q. 19:15) We are told by an early historian, Josephus, that Yahya was put to death because of his political importance. The belief that he was is probably related to the New Testament story of his beheading at the behest of Salome, a story the truth of which we reject. Josephus does not mention the manner of Prophet Yahya's death. Others have stated that Prophet Yahya was beheaded. If it be true that Prophet Yahya was put to death by Herod Antipas on the suspicion of planning an insurrection as Josephus indicates, the punishment would not have been beheading. Under Roman law, only Roman citizens were sentenced to beheading. Any non-Roman citizen was sentenced to death by crucifixion for such activity. This was the case with Jesus, a non-Roman citizen, being accused of treason and sentenced to crucifixion. In addition, we see that when Paul was sentenced to die, he pleaded that he was a Roman citizen so that he would be beheaded and not crucified (Acts 22:27-28). Certainly, if it is the case that Yahya's followers were many, spread far and wide, as it has been reported by some, and that Josephus mentions that the Jews were greatly moved by Prophet Yahya's words, and that Herod Antipas feared that Yahya's influence over the masses would cause a rebellious uprising leading to a revolt by the Jews against the Romans (Antiquities18:.5.2 116-119), then this would be in accord with the practice of capital punishment of said criminals under Roman law. That is, that non-Roman citizens be crucified. How does the supposed beheading of Yahya fit with the above Quranic verse of one given peace by his Lord? We find in the commentary of Ibn Kathir that Yahya was also given safety and security in these three situations, but the book speciously ascribed to Ibn Kathir,Stories of the Prophets,agrees with the Gospel accounts of Yahya's being beheaded and the serving of his head on a platter. How do we explain the beheading of this Prophet of God? How, then, is he one who was "safe and secure"? Are we to say that God saved Jesus, but abandoned Yahya? Is this divine justice? As far as we know, all the prophets mentioned by name in the Quran were delivered from their enemies. Yet, the Prophet Yahya, whose name ironically meansHe Who Lives,is popularly supposed to have been put to death. It is my belief that Prophet Yahya was possibly put on the cross in place of Jesus in a case of mistaken identity. However, he did not die on the cross. By God's giving him the name of Yahya (he who lives) in the Quran and the Quranic fact that the Messiah was not crucified, but it appeared to the people as such, the Quran is telling us that that person was Prophet Yahya. Prophet Yahya survives as he lives out the words from God of "peace be upon him" as was the case with Prophet Abraham when he was thrown in the fire yet he was saved, "We said: O fire! Be coolness and peace for Abraham!" (21:69); hence: "Peace be on Abraham! Thus Wegive recompense to the ones who are doers of good!(37:110)" Prophet Yahya died a natural death at some later time, as did Jesus. It is my belief from my understanding of the Quran that Yahya was raised up in honor (rafa‘a) as was Jesus. Because this is not mentioned in the Quran, it does not mean that it could not have happened this way. Again, we must turn to the Quran and its divine wisdom to receive understanding. When one compares Jesus and Yahya, we can observe that Jesus has been mentioned in detail, whereas Yahya has not. Here are some examples for one to consider: The Quran tells us that Jesus was sent to the children of Israel, but Yahya is not mentioned as being sent to them. Was Yahya sent to the children of Israel? Of course he was. Jesus in the Quran speaks to the children of Israel, but Yahya is not mentioned. Did Yahya speak to the children of Israel? Of course he did. We are told that Jesus had disciples, but Yahya's are not mentioned. Did he have disciples? Of course he did. We are told that Jesus received the Gospel (Injil), but Yahya's revelation was not specified, but he was told to hold onto the scripture with might. Did Yahya receive scripture from his Lord as did Jesus? Of course he did. Because Yahya is not mentioned in similar circumstances, it does not mean that he was not as favored as Jesus.And God knows best! Read full article, %20Yahya%20PDF%20050410.pdf" The Revival of the Prophet Yahya.