3 Weight Loss Spells For A Happier And Healthier Life

The first and the most important step in all weight loss spells is to take control of your thoughts. If you are used to looking in the mirror and getting depressed just thinking of the features that you don't like, then, no matter how much weight you lose, you will not be happy.

Instead, remind yourself as you stand in front of the mirror to see your plus points, your face, your eyes, your glowing skin, the fact that you are alive! What you believe, you can achieve. And in weight loss, there is no truer statement than that! If you seriously believe with all your heart that you can reduce your weight and keep it off by learning how to eat and exercise right, then you will have no weight issues for the rest of your life.

Believe me, there are many people in this world who are perfectly happy no matter how much they weigh! The more you worry over your weight, the more miserable you could be. Instead, play sports, jump rope, hike or bike, without spending a minute on how to reduce, become thin, etc.

Start every day with this affirmation:

Every day, I become more aware.

Radiant Health Spell
Gather some dried angelica root, calendula, eucalyptus, lavender, juniper and rosemary in a bowl. Grind to a fine powder. Take a tablespoon of the mixture at a time. Cover with one Tbsp castor oil and two Tbsp jojoba oil.

Get a white candle. Carve it with a dull knife and write your wish on it... You may use words like whole, healing, inner beauty, weight, etc. Focus on your whole health, not just on weight.

Dress the candle with the above oil. Visualize yourself happy and enjoying life with abandon. Count your blessings one by one. See yourself becoming that person you are inside, one day at a time.

Gemstone Weight loss Spell

Try to wear a piece of jewelry with moonstone of topaz on it. These stones are believed to regulate metabolism.

On a full moon day, get two cups of milk and gently warm the milk in a small saucepan. Stir while chanting:

As the moon wanes
So do I

When the milk is slightly warm, take it to the shower. Test the temperature with your fingers. It should be barely warm to touch. Turn on the shower and gently scoop the milk and rub it on the parts of your body that you wish to shrink. Imagine the flesh waning as the moon does. Pour any remaining milk over your head and then complete the shower as normal.

Sit at your altar for some time visualizing perfect inner and outer beauty.

Weight Loss Candle Spell

Get a piece of paper and a pen. On a day when the moon is in its waning phase, sit down at your altar after a cleansing bath. On the paper, draw your figure as distinctly as you can. Again, draw another figure inside the original drawing indicating where you would like to decrease weight.