Bible Stories For Children Dissected, The Crossing Of The Red Sea

Many thousands of years ago, the Israelites were actually slaves to the Egyptians. When Moses and the Israelites finally left Egypt thousands of years ago on their infamous trek to their homeland they encountered many difficulties. The enormous Red Sea was on of these and became most famous for this story, the parting of the red sea. God told Moses in Exodus 14-15 that he was to lead the children of Israel to their homeland and that he, God, would take care of them. God warned Moses that there would be many trials and tribulations.

When Moses and the Israelites got to the Red Sea, their problem got compounded by the Egyptian army. The Egyptian leader, Pharaoh, had used the Israelites as slave labor to build his great pyramids and monuments. He only agreed to let them go after several plagues had been been brought upon Egypt. These plagues consisted of locusts that ruined crops, frogs, snakes, and even what is referred to as the death angel that took the life of each male firstborn child. The Pharaoh had enough after his son was killed and agreed to let the Israelites go back to Israel. Almost immediately he recounted his thoughts and sent a large portion of his army, chariots and all, after the Israelites.

So, when the Israelites arrived at the Red Sea, they saw the arriving Egyptians and panicked. Moses prayed to God for deliverance and God opened up the Red Sea, parting it so the Israelites could cross. There are two schools of thought on this. One is that it did occur exactly as stated in the story. The other that it occurred in North Egypt in the marshlands of the Northern end or mouth of the Nile river. This are of the Nile would have been very difficult for chariots to get through as they would have gotten bogged down and stuck in the mud and dense weeds. This would have been a great place for an ambush by the Israelites and there would have been mass casualties by the unprepared Egyptians. This could perhaps be the first instance of what we today refer to as Gorilla warfare. Whichever school you choose to believe it is fact that the Israelites did embark on this trek as artifacts and other archaeological proof has been found that unequivocally prove this.

Back to the story of the parting of the Red Sea, the Israelites were scared and prayed to God for deliverance. God brought darkness, possible thunderstorms, over the Egyptians and fire over the Israelites, possible lightening. God then told Moses to raise his hands at the sea. The sea then parted and the Israelites did cross the sea. After the Israelites did cross the sea and arrive on dry land, the Egyptians started to cross. God told Moses to raise his hands again and the sea was flooded once more and the Egyptians were drowned in it. In the end of the story, the Israelites sang songs and praised God for their deliverance from the Egyptians and slavery.

There are many ideas and schools of thought with different points of view on what actually occurred here, but archaeological proof does exist that the trek and crossing from Egypt to Israel did occur and that numerous hardships did occur. Religion and God played a large role in this trek and in these times thousands of years ago. In current research, the use of bible coding software also states that this trek occurred. It also states that Moses, the Ten Commandments, and how the bible was encoded or revealed to Moses may soon have great impact on all of us as the possibility of further expansion of the war in the Middle East continues. God did have a marked impact on the Israelites on their infamous trek thousands of years ago, and the reason for the implicit warnings in Revelations and the recent unveiling of the bible codes is that we can change. We can, as a whole, change or alter our future.