Docetism (a Christian application) means "to seem". It is the belief that Jesus' physical body was an illusion! Jesus only seemed to have a physical body (and to physically die) but in reality he was incorporeal, a pure spirit, and hence could not physically die. I want to make the application here though that fundamentalist Christians have and are doing the same thing to the Bible. They treat the Bible as something incorporeal, spiritual, written by the finger of the Spirit, and not by man.
More than just a book, the Bible is a LIBRARY of books! And that library has a different number of books in it depending upon whether you are Protestant, Catholic, or others.
Belief in Biblical inerrancy (especially in light of very obvious errors) is another form of docetism: Biblical docetism. Without realizing it (my interpretation) fundamentalists view the Bible as NOT a product of human creative processes over thousands of years, but a special spiritual product which has completely overridden anything man offered by this divine intervention.
Doctrine determines destiny .
The Bible is the sacred text of all people who call themselves Christians. I don't know how it can be any other way. But to take a docetic (non human) apaporach is just too much for me. Neither can the Bible be taken as the first authority in ALL matters. No where does the Bible tell me what kind of vehicle I should buy, the style of a home I should live in, nor is it a scientific or history book (though it does contain "some" of both).
We must read the Bible with the Spirit of God and a spiritual integrity as well.
Additionally, fundamentalists take the view that where there is a difference between what science says (heliocentrism) and what the Bible says (geocentrism), the Bible prevails. The Bible trumps everything, including common sense, and overwhelming empirical evidence. Such bias, especially in light of scientific facts, is more than troubling. It's superstitious and detrimental to the Kingdom, the Gospel, and sound Christian witness.
Unfortunatley Protestantism looked at the infallible Pope and seemed to feel a need for a substitute, thus the infallible Bible was their answer.
As Jeremy Young wrote, "Roman Catholics regard the declarations of the Pope, when speaking ex cathedra, as infallible, and many Protestants have given the same weight to the Bible." The Bible is inspiring , sacred, and foundational to the Christian community. However, to embrace Bibliolatry and docetic implications where they truly do not exist to walk into true heresy.